Chapter 36

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I was now holed up in my office when Smith notified me "Boss, Ria and Wanda are outside your office." I sighed and stood up to open the door and when I opened it I instantly regretted it as I saw Wanda's and Ria's amused faces.

I didn't question why Ria was with Wanda since the two of them bonded over taking care of me after the incident.

They helped me physically and mentally so now they've sort of like my mother figures.

"If it wasn't illegal to maul someone's annoying face I would've probably done it to you girls." I said as I let them in and Ria closed the door behind her.

"You've got to admit, that was pretty hilarious." Wanda joked as she and Ria came into my office as if they owned it.

"It was embarrassing." I corrected her as I slumped down on my seat. "I know. But it was pretty hilarious for the rest of us." Ria said making me groan and rest my face on my hands.

"I hate you two." I mumbled which made her chuckle. "No, you don't. Come on, look at me." Wanda said and I spread my fingers and looked at her in the gaps.

"You know you can solve all of this if you just choose between those two, right?" She said and I groan as I remove my hand from my face. "Thanks, Captain Obvious." I said sarcastically.

Ria then hit me on my head making me glare at her but she just raised her eyebrow as if my glare wasn't affecting her. "If you know that's the solution then why not just choose?"

"Because choosing isn't always that easy." I said and she scoffed. "Of course it is." Ria said and I tilt my head and amused her for a second.

"Alright. If it's that easy then you two decide!" I say and she laughed.

"Right. Like I wanted to be killed by two women who can clearly kill a grown man with a spoon." Ria said and tapped my shoulder. "But good luck with that." Wanda added.

I groaned loudly as I stare at the ceiling while Ria walks all over my office like a lost child. I groaned again but she ignored me the second time. I then obnoxiously groaned making her groan as well as she sat on the seat in front of my desk.

"God, you're like a baby." Ria groaned and I didn't even bother to get offended. "Can't you just help me?" I asked and she sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine."

"Pick Ele." Ria said and my demeanor changed and I sat up straight at what she said. "What?" I asked as both Wanda and I looked at her.

"I said pick Ele." Ria said nonchalantly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "What brought you to that conclusion?" I asked

"Well, it's easy. Ele's dependable, kind, sweet, protective, and she loves you." She said and I took my time before replying. "Hey! What about Nat?" Wanda asked looking offended.

"What about her?" She asked looking bored which annoyed Wanda since it looks like she was not taking this seriously. "I mean she's all of those things too." Wanda defended her best friend.

"Yeah, but does Nat love her? Over the past months did y/n feel like Nat genuinely loves her?" Ria asked as she and Wanda faced off against each other.

I then remember all the things that happened when Nat and I reunited. Not one of them was a great memory and it even took me getting shot for her to even show me that she cares about me.

"You're right. I should choose Ele. It was obvious all along." I said and Wanda looked and did one of her head tilts. "Uh no, you're not."

"Wanda, Ria's right. Ele is the right choice." I said and she crossed her arm and scrunched her nose mockingly. "Alright. Then go ahead and tell her right now."

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