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I've been home for less than twenty four hours and Margo's already got me sneaking out.

It's nearly one in the morning and we decided to meet each other on the subway.

We learned we only live about 10 minutes from one another if we take the subway. I can walk to the station in two minutes, so I hop out my window and make my way there.

I didn't even think about it, truthfully. If Margo asked me to cut grass with scissors for fun, I'd do it. I'd sit there until every little blade of grass was the exact same height.

My parents would most likely let me see her at a reasonable time, but something about keeping Margo a secret felt better.

I don't need anyones opinions about the girl I met in the mental hospital.

It's not that i'm ashamed of her, or our friendship, but it feels so safe right now. Special. It's not like either of us really have anyone to tell either.

I make my short walk to the subway station, slide my metro-card and wait for the train to take me to Margo. She's waiting for me at another stop, one perfectly in the middle of the two of us.

Despite the late hours of the night, there are still several people lingering around.

New York can make you feel safe that way. It reminds you that whatever you're facing, someone else is facing much worse, or much better. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that I am just one little person on one little planet. What I do at one in the morning is hardly a speck in the universe's plan.

I watch the old man crouched over and the young waitress probably just getting off work. They all have a story, issues much harder than mine.

I lean my head on the side and close my eyes as we make the short trip to my stop.

Once we come to a halt and the voice announces my stop, I pull myself up and get off the train.

I figured I'd be here earlier. I think her travel time is longer.

I lean against the lightly graffitied walls and twiddle my thumbs. For some reason I feel nervous.

What if we aren't the same outside of Orchard Hills? What if we somehow changed in a few days and cannot stand each other?

My palms are sweaty.

Can she hurry up before I have a heart attack at seventeen?

I kick loose stones and dead cigarettes on the dirty subway floors as I wait for her. Eventually I hear the train stop and I just know.

I look up to find a small, pale brunette with hair that covers her body like a cape. She wears her black hood over her to hide herself and slowly steps off the train.

Her skin is clear and glowing, until you reach her dark black and blue eyes. Her slouched posture suddenly becomes pin straight at she spots me, a small smile finding her light pink lips.

I wave at her and she walks forward, dragging her feet.

"Collin," she says monotonously. You'd think she wasn't happy to see me, but the subtle smile told me otherwise. "you're alive. I'm proud."

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