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Hey guys. I was able to get some internet connection to post this. but the chapter is short. Sorry.

I will try updating as often as i can.

Thank you. Xx :*

Chapter 5..

Melissa's POV

Right now were at the shopping center and lets say it was really busy. They boys have all got some retarted disguises on.

"I think we should all split up" liam said

We all nodded in agreement

The niall spoke, "so me, mel, harry and ella. And then zayn liam and louis"

"Noo! I want to be with ella though!" Louis fake cried in harrys shoulder.

"And i want to be with louis'' ella said as she ran up to him and burried her head in his chest. They are soooo freaking cute. How can i say no to them?

"Fine you guys can take ella, but take care of her, she tends to get lost when ever we go shopping'' i warned them

"Dont worry i'm with them" liam said as they all walked if in one direction (lol) and me, niall and harry walked in the other, with our arms all linked together.

"Right where to first" naill asked

''JACK WILLS" me and harry yelled and began running.

"Guys! Wait up, you know im slow at running" naill complained.

But that didn't slow us down.

We then finally reached jack wills.

''Lets but my stuff first then your's" harry said, i agreed and followed him.

He picked up 4 hoddies a pair of trainners and jeans.

Next was me.

"I want jeans" i said and ran towards the ladies jeans section.

I picked up 5 pairs and went to try then on.

After each one harry and niall would check if they were alright.

''Turn around" harry instructed with his finger.

"Mmmm, these jeans make your bum look nice" niall said

"Pervs" i said and walked back to het changed when suddenly a hand pulled me back.

"Hahaha, where do you think your going" that voice sent shivers down my spine. It was ..




Hopefully my wifi will be sorted soon. But dnt worry i will try updating when ever i can.

I uploaded this from mcdonalds.

Idea from @GoodLuckAndBye


Xx melissa :*

Dreams (one direction fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang