The Magic Locket

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"You get to your room right now, young lady!" I bark, marching Lou up to her bedroom. She keeps stoping, turning back to me and trying to defend herself.

"But dad..." she pleads timidly, her eyes like that of a helpless puppy.

"Bed, now!" I'm trying to hide my laughter and be authoritative by reprimanding her.

"Dad!" She screeches, turning once more with tears pouring out of her eyes.

"I'm not letting you get away with your behavior today. So, you can turn off the waterworks," I tell her firmly.

More tears come and a high pitched voice bellows, "You told me to defend myself!"

"To defend yourself. Not to become the bully," I snarl, shaking her by the shoulders. I have always been very cautious about being too heavy handed with her. It's always been a thing that I have stood by, I would never slap my kids. I know many parents who do, but it kills me when Lou cries when I raise my voice at her. Let alone inflicting, what I believe to be, unnecessary pain.

"No!" She cries, falling to her knees. Shaking her head vigorously and clasping her fists together tightly.

I lift up her chin so our eyes are level with each other, "You're such a kind and good little girl, Lou. This isn't like you at all."

Her lips tremble as she replies, "I just want to be liked. I want to be part of their gang."

I massage my temples with the tips of my fingers, trying to rub away the migraine that I know is on its way. "Be like you! That's what makes you special," I urge her.

"I'm not special. I am a retard," she whimpers, covering her mouth as she says it.

All of a sudden I feel a deep coldness. As if someone has opened a window in the room, allowing a chilling draft in. My heart sinks as she says those words. "I've never taught you that word, where did you hear it from?" I reply demandingly.

She shakes her head, eyes to the ground.

"Tell me now!" I yell, my blood boiling beyond measure.

Still with her head down, she responds weakly, "Anthony. He told me I am different, a loser and a retard."

If the school gates were open right now I would be over there as fast as Batman. The fury I feel is bubbling way over the stove. There's so much I want to say and do, but all I see is my sweet and innocent child in turmoil. Deep down I have known that Lou was slightly different from other kids her age. But I don't need some snotty nosed bully to tell me or her that.

"Baby, you are not a retard. He is the retard for being so cruel. First thing tomorrow morning I am speaking to Mrs Rourke!" I say adamantly. I fear that I will lose control of all my senses, but enough is enough.

"He will never stop," she continues bawling her eyes out, holding her chest.

"Trust me, after I'm done tomorrow he will never harm another hair on your head. Mark my words," I say in a deadly whisper. "In the meantime, I want you to remember that you do not strike first."

She nods, her head still down. "I can't hear you!" I say in a sergeant major voice.

"Yes, I'll remember," she smiles, showing the two tiny gaps in between her front teeth. How can I be mad at that face?


"Mr McKenzie, I thought I had made it quite clear in our last meeting that you have to make an appointment to see me," Mrs Rourke states, hands on her hips. My eyes are focused on an old shabby bookcase against the wall as I come up with a strategy.

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