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Lou isn't speaking to me. She hasn't really uttered a sentence to me since I tore her away from her mother over the weekend. There was complaints of another stomach ache this morning that I wasn't prepared to fall for. Another outburst of how I was the reincarnation of the devil and the most hated man in London. I took it like I usually do, on the chin. She didn't kiss me goodbye, she stayed muted and meandered her way to the school gates. The endless texts of abuse from Mel forced me to block her on WhatsApp temporarily. All the chants of how unfit of a parent I am, that I want to keep Lou under my thumb just to hurt her because of her lack of involvement during the first seven years of her life. The one that put the final nail in the coffin was the threat of her going to a lawyer and filing for sole custody. There has never been a question of where Lou would grow up, it was always maintained that I would continue to be her primary parent with Mel being able to visit or look after her as often as she could. Now, all of a sudden some dude enters her life and she wants to play house with him and put on this mum of the year persona. It has left me feeling nervous, would she really do that? The Mel that I met all those years ago wouldn't. But I don't know her anymore, maybe I never really knew her. But that threat was enough for me to go and seek legal advise from an attorney. I researched the best I could find within my budget and came across John Schulman, a family lawyer, specialising in custodial conflicts between parents. The first and only available time slot he had was Saturday morning, which puts me in an awkward position in terms of childcare. Mildred is on holiday in Jamaica at the moment, my own mother is working at her local charity shop, the only other person would be Mel or her mother and that is a no go at the moment. I don't want to drag Lou into an office and potentially hear all the things that are going to be discussed. I knuckle down throughout the week, trying to claw back as much information that was lost in the fire at work. It transpired that there was a major gas leak in the floor above, which then in turn, carried through to us and ignited a spark that set everything ablaze. The powers at be have descended on the ruins, whilst I have stayed out of it. My work is all web based, nothing has been lost my end. I have been summoned to check out the damage though, which I will try to avoid at all costs. Five thirty rolls around and I am still no further in figuring out a child care situation. Laura suggests a Facetime and I happily oblidge, wanting to see a friendly face.

"What's the matter?" She asks, looking concerned. In the background she has two young teenage boys, who I am assuming are mechanics, checking out a silver Civic in the garage.

"How can you tell?" I scoff, baffled.

"I happen to be an expert in the psychology of men and you also have a face like a slapped arse. Come on, big fella. Open up to me, I am all ears," she smirks, taking a sip out of an iced latte.

I feel reluctant to burden the woman I am dating with all my hassles, but I also know that if I don't, she will carry on prying.

"Mel has got a new boyfriend," I say, running my fingers through my hair.

"Ouch, and you're jealous?" She asks, taking in a sharp intake of breath.

"Are you insane? I couldn't give a fuck who she sees, although she is trying to introduce Lou to him and that makes me seethe with anger. Who is this guy? He could be a paedophile for all I know and if I let my daughter anywhere near him and he does something to her.." I have to stop myself from continuing, feeling sick to my stomach.

"I get it, totally. However, not all men are bastards are they? You're certainly not," a smile widening on her lips.

"Gee, thanks. I have a hard time trusting her mother with her, let alone a virtual stranger who is about the same age as Clint Eastwood," I sigh in exasperation. "Forget him being a criminal, he could have a heart attack when he's alone with Lou and leave her traumatised for life."

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