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We met halfway, which basically means we met at a newly refurbished Pizza Express restaurant that was just off the M25. Every time I catch sight of Laura, she seems to get even more gorgeous as each moment passes by. When she talks about something articulate it makes me want to grab and kiss her. She looks striking, even though she is still in her work clothes, my dirty mind wouldn't mind peeling her out of them.

As we clink our glasses she asks, "You've kept me in suspense for long enough, mister. What did the letter say?"

"It confirmed my worst fears," I sigh, tasting the pungent red wine on my tongue. If I wasn't driving, I would be downing two of those bad boys. The Pizza Express sign is illuminating white and blue above us and the smell of cooked cheese and garlic sets my stomach off on a rumble and my taste buds water. I haven't eaten a proper meal since breakfast.

She nods, not entirely surprised and sips out of her own glass. "It's not uncommon," her blue eyes shine into mine as she speaks.

"It's not. But I just don't want Lou to be set back by this," I reply, running my fingertips along the rim of the glass. "I don't want this diagnosis to haunt her for the rest of her life if that makes sense."

"My father is autistic. He was very good as hiding it from other people, but he got diagnosed five years ago. It explained a lot about why he did things the way that he did. It's a lot more common than you think. It's not a disease, or something to be ashamed of. You'll see that she will find some things in life difficult and then surprise you with an outstanding talent. There is such an unnecessary stigma surrounding learning disabilities, it's ridiculous," she says reassuringly.

"I appreciate you telling me that. I have to break this news to her mother, that's going to be a party," I huff, whilst checking out the food menu. I'm trying to be more mindful with my diet lately, but the desserts are jumping out at me already.

"You don't think she will understand?" She frowns, pouring herself another refill. She offers me a top up and I wave my hand, rejecting it.

"Mel is a very proud woman. I fear that she might be in denial," I shrug with my eyes drifting to the ceiling. "I'll be supporting her, holding her hand as well as Lou's." The thought of it makes me shudder.

"She might surprise you. You need to tell her and I'd say, sooner rather than later," she replies, taking another swig of her wine. "Otherwise she will start accusing you of all sorts. Sorry, this is actually none of my business."

"No, you're ok. I appreciate you listening to my bullshit. I'm dropping Lou off at her mothers for the weekend this week. I'll speak to her then. If she allows me to get a word in edgeways. Women, huh?" I wink playfully at her.

She pulls a dorky, horrified expression as a smile spreads across her lips. "You'd better be careful, Mr McKenzie. You won't want me to get my whip out on you," she bites her lips seductively as her eyes sparkle mischievously.

"You're very good at deviating the conversation to something naughty, aren't you?" I pout, licking my bottom lip.

"I'm only naughty for you," she hisses, rubbing my foot under the table.

"And if you don't stop this right now, I'll be taking you home on an empty stomach," I raise my eyebrows suggestively at her.

Before she can answer, our waiter comes over to take our order. She chooses the dough balls and American hot pizza and I play it safe with a mozzarella salad and margarita.

"So, where were we?" She whispers, her voice smooth like honey.

"You were trying to drag me back to your place," I say pointing at her.

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