September Writing Prompts: Day 1

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Day 1: Coffee Smells
Summary: With the rare occasion of waking up earlier than Tristan, Oliver decides to do for his husband what he's done for him multiple times.

Tristan woke slowly, hearing an odd, faint little clinking noise, with his early childhood he learned to pick up the little things. He didn't let himself to sink into groggy panic, however, as the next thing he registered was the smell of coffee then waffles and eggs. He huffed tiredly but did peel his eyes open, rubbing at them to see what exactly his husband had gotten into.
Seeing the movement Oliver beamed excitedly, perfect timing! He'd been worried he'd gotten up too early and the food and drink would all be cold by the time Tristan woke, "Good morning sleepy head," he gently murmured, "did you sleep well?"
Tristan offered a wordless nod at the question. Once he felt a little more awake, Tristan removed his hands from his eyes, blinking surprised by the breakfast display. He snorted softly, arching a brow to Oliver, "What's all this?"
"Breakfast in bed!" the blonde chirped, "You always make it for me so I figured I'd take the rare opportunity to return the favor."
Tristan nodded at the obvious answer, but smiled fondly nonetheless.
"Thank you my love," the purple haired male murmured.
"Nothing to thank me for," Oliver insisted, carefully sitting the little tray on Tristan's lap, "you deserve nice things Doc."
Tristan snorted softly, rolling his eyes lightly, "So do you," he mumbled.
Oliver snorted in return, but did go around to settle up next to Tristan, "Just enjoy your breakfast, Doc. Like I said, you've done it for me plenty. I'm just returning the favor."
Tristan lightly rolled his eyes again but his smile remained regardless, "Yeah, yeah..." he hummed before getting a bite. Oliver smiled at this, gently kissing his cheek before relaxing in the bed. Tristan smiled a bit more at this, enjoying the breakfast and coffee in bed.

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