September Writing Prompts: Day 9

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Day 9: Gas station
Summary: Domestic snack gathering.

"We're out of the good stuff!!"
Tristan sighed at the call from the kitchen, setting his poetry book down after marking it's page, and going to the doorway.
"What good stuff?"
"The snacks," Oliver moaned, "No honeybuns, no chocolate, nothing!"
Tristan watched his husband a moment before snorting softly, before looking down at the ground a moment, contemplating his answer, "Well, my love, it is not grocery day so that's not happening...." Oliver slumped in disappointment, pondering if protesting or puppy eyes may help the situation in his favor of satisfying his sweet tooth, "but perhaps we can do a quick snack grab though," Tristan suppressed a chuckle at Oliver's 180 in attitude, bouncing excitedly on his feet, nodding.
"Yes, yes, yes! Can we? Can we please?" he all but begged insistently. Tristan wasn't quick enough to stop his chuckle this time but nodded slightly.
"Go throw some jeans and shoes on and we will."
Oliver beamed rushing up to first pepper a few loving and thankful kisses on his face, murmuring after a few, "Thank you. Thank you. I love you."
Tristan smiled in bliss, fondly rolling his eyes, allowing the sweet action a minute before nodding, "You're welcome, now go if we're going," Oliver dashed to do as instructed making Tristan snort at his husband. Making it to the nearby gas station was even better, seeing the blonde's eyes light up like a kid in a candy store, then again, for what Oliver had come for, that wasn't too far off from the mark. Tristan smiled faintly with a small sigh as Oliver took off to the sweets.
Shaking his head, he headed to the small magazine section. They really weren't worth reading a majority of the time, but it would pass Tristan's time if nothing else. He picked up one about the recent Wayne Gala, flipping through the pages and snorting at some rumors, having been a guest, he knew exactly what had gone on. He was nearly done when he felt arms wrap around him.
Tristan tensed only a second before relaxing into the hold, the voice murmuring by his ear moments after further soothing him, "Whatcha reading?"
"Nonsense," Tristan hummed back amused, "They think Batman was sneaking around Wayne premises during the gala as protection."
Oliver bit his tongue as, technically, he was. Just not how most were expecting, but there was no need in voicing it if they both already knew, "You gonna get some snacks?" Oliver asked, whine lacing into his tone slightly, "it's not fair if I get the all the good stuff. You deserve some too..."
Tristan smiled fondly, sighing as he finally closed and replaced the magazine, "Sure.. show me where the goldfish are, then we'll go home, snuggle, and snack."

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