September Writing Prompts: Day 11

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Day 11: Bookmark (Version 1, 2, & 3)
Summary: (V1) Tristan reads to a little Oliver. (V2) Oliver reads to a little Tristan. (V3) Tristan offers Oliver help in learning to read.

Tristan carried Oliver to the book shelf, humming gently, "What book does my big boy want to listen to?" he gently murmured. Oliver's eyes excitedly scanned the book titles, pacifier bobbing between his lips.
Excitedly he finally pointed to Cinderella. Tristan sighed hesitantly, his little boy always did this to him. Pick the Grimm tale books, thinking it's the fairytale then argue that Tristan read it wrong, still, he took the bait as he always did, "Are you sure, little one? It's not the story you think," he hummed.
Just as every time, Oliver nodded eagerly, "Big boy!!" he excitedly declared past his yellow pacifier with 'Doc's Boy' written on the handle.
Tristan sighed taking the book off the shelf and settled on the couch with Oliver curling up against him instantly, as he started to read off the page, Oliver listened intently, eyes bouncing between the pages and Tristan. With no peep of protest, Tristan smiled a bit, maybe his little boy was learning.

Tristan's pacifier moved rhythmically in his mouth, looking at the large book, little mind trying to piece together the words. In his regular headspace the book would be elementary but his little space was a simpler and safer time.
"Ok baby boy, dada got you your sippy," Oliver cooed, "Well what's going on here? What is dada's genius trying to read?" the blonde hummed, kneeling next to the little boy, setting the sippy cup next to Tristan's leg.
Tristan gently furrowed his brows, a soft whined leaving him, not being too vocal, per usual in his little space. Oliver leaned over skimming the page, "Oh my, what big, big words.... are we sure it isn't a little too big with my baby boy?"
Tristan blinked looking to Oliver intrigued by the notion. Oliver smiled, "Let's save this book for when you're a big bigger. Dada has just the thing for his little one," he cooed, getting up and returning after a moment, revealing Dick and Jane, he kept more childish books wanting Tristan to really feel what a childhood should have been. He hummed opening it, "How about dada starts reading and if my little genius sees a word he knows he can say it," he cooed.
Tristan smiled a bit past the pacifier crawling up in Oliver's lap and cuddling up against him.
"How come you don't like to read?" Tristan asked, eyes still running over the page he was reading. Reading was all he'd ever known, so he couldn't get why Oliver didn't like it, not even a little bit.
Oliver blinked looking over then shrugged, "Cause I wouldn't be no good at it. Pops say geniuses read an' 'm not that. He told me himself..! Plus... I only can read a few words Ma taught me.."
Tristan frowned not liking the way it sounded. It sounded controlling, like Joker was intentionally keeping Oliver on some leash so he couldn't ever get free of him. That didn't sit right with the boy at all, especially as he thought about all the ways Oliver had helped him as his friend. He hesitated not wanting to be in trouble for what he was about to suggest, but then he decided he didn't care. Oliver helped him without a second thought, he was determined to do the same. Tristan wasn't going to willingly let Oliver live under Joker's thumb.
"...What if i taught you?"
Oliver looked over, the book he previously was trying to balance on his head fell off, thankfully landing on the bed without a sound, "You'd do that?" he asked eyes twinkling.
Tristan paused then smiled faintly, yes, that was the right choice, he knew there and then, he moved closer to start from the page he was on.

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