September Writing Prompts: Day 10

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Day 10: Wildflowers (Version 2)
Summary: Tristan and Oliver watch over a certain little Wildflower.

The horror movie had been interesting, Ash tagging along so the younger boys could get in without any fuss from the employees.
"The jumpscares were so good this go round!" Oliver cheered. Tristan snorting and rolling his eyes.
"But 80% of them weren't even jempscares, just suspenseful music making you think that there was going to be one.."
Ash smiled faintly in amusement at the younger couple's bickering, missing a group of people until it was too late, them all bumping into each other.
The small group apologized immediately sending one certain alter to the front. Wennie blinked, tears swelling up near immediately, unable to muster the same apology as they curled fearfully into themself, lip trembling. The group looking in a mix of concern, pity, and the semblance of 'seriously' but the damage was done.
"Ashy-poo!" Oliver called, him and Tristan rushing to meet them again, "We thought you were right behind us, man, what happened?" Oliver paused immediately after his question seeing the watered up eyes. Never in his 6 years of friendship did he ever see Ash Martin himself cry. This sent alarm bells in his head immediately.
Wennie blinked surprised at the purple haired boy and the blonde boy, tears filling up even more, Ash? Were they supposed to be Ash right now? What had happened? They felt utterly useless in the body, like they were floating amongst clouds rather than standing in the middle of a movie theater lobby about to cry. Their lip trembled harder, confused and scared, "'M-M sowry.." they whimpered.
Tristan finally caught on as well, trading a look with Oliver, before looking back to Wennie. They knew it wasn't Percy. Percy could talk pretty well the majority of the time. That left two options.
"Hey sweetheart, can you tell Tristi and me who's fronting right now?" Oliver softly cooed, Tristan guiding them to a corner of the lobby away from the busy crowds.
Wennie hiccupped a little bit but mustered, "W-Wennie..."
Oliver nodded, "Ok sweetheart, it's alright Wennie bear," he cooed, "I think some little one needs their dada, am I right?"
Wennie perked up at the familiar name looking around for Slater, "D-dada? Dada?"
"Shh... shh.. we'll get you to dada," Oliver promised.
Tristan hummed holding his hand out, "Can you hold one of our hands, wild one..?" Wennie's still watery eyes bounced between the two, whimpering softly as they nervously slipped the collar of their shirt in their mouth, whining at the texture but they knew it was the best they could get for now, taking Tristan's hand. Oliver smiled softly nodding.
"There we go lovely, great job! Now we're good to go," he hummed leading Wennie and Tristan out who awkwardly led the little alter out behind his lover.
Wennie looked around as they walked with the couple, hoping Slater would just magically appear, Tristan took note of the fear practically radiating off Wennie making him feel even more awkward about the situation, but it seemed plain cruel to leave the little one so shaken.
"Hey sweetheart, how old are you? Can you tell Ollie?" the blonde hummed from ahead of them and Tristan.
Wennie sniffled a little, mumbling into the fabric unfortunately muffling the already low answer, "T-T'wee..."
"What's that?"
"They're feeling 3," Tristan provided so the little one wouldn't have to try and manage any louder or clearer, there was an obvious look of appreciation to Tristan.
"How big are you!" Oliver cooed gently, "Don't you fret sweetheart, we're almost home to dada."
Wennie relaxed a little bit though Tristan could still see the terrified look on the little's face. Tristan paused a moment before trying a hand at further easing Wennie, "What do you think you'll want to do when you're home?"
Wennie blinked but pondered seriously on the question, "Mnm... h-hewp dada.... hewp make Mac an' cheeshe.."
Tristan nodded gently with a hum, "Is that something you like to do..?"
"Uh huh... dada make bes' Mac an' cheeshe... a-an' I put noo' noo's in pot.."
"My, that's a very big job. It can't be Mac and cheese without the noodles..?" Tristan said, a bit of uncertainty at the last word though it was his best guess with context clues.
"Mac and cheese is your favorite isn't it, sweet baby?" Oliver hummed.
Wennie nodded excitedly, loosening more and more as they talked with Tristan and Oliver, "Uh huh! An' Pewcy wikes pantakes... Wil wikes 'pag'etti... wh-what you wike?" they looked at Tristan who seemed a bit taken aback by the little's interest in him.
"Uh... chicken pesto..." Tristan responded nodding slightly.
"Soun' nummy," Wennie mumbled, a smile peeking slightly past the shirt still clamped between their teeth.
Reaching the apartment finally, Oliver knocked, being answered by a rather perplexed Slater.
"Everything ok? I thought Ash would walk home himself...?"
"That was the plan but uh.... there was a mishap.." Oliver explained. Before any other questions could be asked or answered, Wennie rushed forward clinging to Slater, nuzzling him.
"Dada.... dada...!" Wennie hiccupped in relief. Immediately the blue haired plant understood, holding the back of the little's head.
"Hi sweet tart, ohh you're alright," he murmured.
"Wennie came through, guess they missed you," Oliver offered lightly.
Slater nodded, "Well thank you for getting them back to me," he looked down, "can you tell them thank you, Wildflower?"
"T-T'ank you Uncwe Ollie... t'ank you T'isti.." they mumbled.
"Anytime sweet baby. You enjoy your time with dada," Oliver cooed.
Slater smiled kissing the top of Wennie's head, picking them up carefully, "Let's go get you in something more appropriate and comfortable," he murmured, shutting the door behind himself. Tristan sighed relieved.
Oliver smirked, as they starting walking home themselves, "For someone who isn't fond of kids, you handled them pretty well."
Tristan rolled his eyes lightly, "Yeah, yeah. They were good company, I suppose."

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