September Writing Prompts: Day 2

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Day 2: Horizon
Summary: Being reunited finally, Oliver and Tristan go out on the roof to watch the nightfall's horizon.

The day was filled with a lot of emotions. Between the tears of joy and heartwarming introductions. Finally, though, things were settling down. Lucy was tucked away comfortable in a safe bed where clown fathers couldn't hurt her. Talia had been filled in on the two boy's past together. This left only Tristan and Oliver still awake, scared to fall asleep lest they wake up to find it was all simply a dream. So, the two opted to merely admire each other laying side by side, face to face.
"I'm so glad to see you again, Doc," the blonde boy mumbled.
"Me too.."
Oliver smiled a bit more, contemplating something before rolling over, "You know what we should do?" he hummed, walking to the window.
Tristan pouted slightly at his friend leaving his side, watching him, "What?"
"Sneak out... not like we used to... I know you're happy here. Just... up to the roof, it's a pretty night out."
Tristan paused, it taking a moment to realize why they couldn't just watch from the window, nostalgia. Alright, he'd bite. The purple haired boy stood up going to his friend's side. Oliver beamed taking this as his silent agreement, opening the window and carefully climbing out, holding his hand out, Tristan took it and they both cautiously made their way up, Oliver ensuring the whole time that Tristan was ahead of him to make sure his best friend wouldn't get hurt. Once they were on the roof, they resumed their positions, laying side by side, slightly facing each other, but also slightly turned to see the deep violets and magentas and pinks and oranges all faded to a perfect midnight blue, stars starting to twinkle farther out, and the moon making its appearance in the sky. They allowed silence to rein for a little bit, just admire the turning night sky and enjoy each other's company before Oliver piped up.
"Told you it was pretty out," Tristan snorted softly but nodded along all the same. He supposed he couldn't deny it. It was silent once more for a few minutes before thr blonde spoke again, voice hushed just above a whisper, as though scared to disrupt the serenity of the situation by talking too much, Oliver just had to express it though, it pressed on his heart too much to merely keep quiet.
"I've missed you Doc.."
"So you've already said, Oliver," he gently mumbled back.
"I've also missed this though... I've missed seeing you, I've missed doing things with you.... I've just.... missed you.. so much."
Tristan nodded in agreement, feeling another hand reach over to interlace with his own, after a moment, Tristan took it with a small smile, finally murmuring back, "I've missed these things too, Oliver... I've missed you too.."
With the returned words Oliver felt a burst of satisfaction and utter happiness in his chest. He hugged the younger boy closer, against his chest, which Tristan quickly adjusted to, laying over the other's heart, and finally letting them both look out over the still changing colorful horizon once more in each other's silent but delightful company.

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