제 2 장=Overflowing With Ambiguity

46 2 0

You say youre my husband, but how did we meet and when did we get married? Why dont I recognize you at all...?

While IU was questioning the man, a red marriage certificate appeared in front of her.

She immediately choked back the rest of her words and looked at Lisa questioningly.

This marriage certificate...

Did this belong to the two of them?

How was this possible? She was certain that she never went to the Civil Affairs Office with this random man.

IU was in shock as she received the marriage certificate and opened it up to have a look.

The photos attached to the marriage certificate were indeed her and Lisa Manoban!!

How was this possible?

IU stood wide-eyed, unable to say a word. This was too hard to believe.

When did she take a photo like this with Lisa Manoban? Why couldnt she remember a thing? Had she actually lost her memory?

The name on the certificate beside hers was Lisa Manoban...

Just as she was about to scan down and look at the date of registration, Lisa took the certificate back.

IU frowned at Lisa and stretched out her hand, I havent finished looking at it yet...

Lisa held onto the marriage certificate and looked at her calmly. His deep black eyes were still, like a cold pool of unfathomable depth.

His gaze made IU feel a little uncomfortable, so she raised her voice, Give it to me!!

Lisa raised his eyebrows with slight ridicule in his gaze, No.

IU was a little taken aback as she glanced at the marriage certificate in Lisas hands, Do you take me for someone with brain damage? Or do you think Im paralyzed? Im perfectly healthy. One look and its obvious that you spent 5 bucks to buy this fake from a punk off the side of the street!

With a look of disdain, IU tried to snatch the marriage certificate out of Lisas hands without warning.

But, Lisa appeared to have predicted this move as he calmly lifted his hand.

IU failed to grab the marriage certificate, so she tried again. However, Lisa simply raised his hand higher. This repeated a few times, but IU still did not succeed.

It was definitely a fake certificate that he made to deceive her!

IU was so angry, she tried to snatch the certificate again...

But, this time, Lisa grabbed onto her hand and lowered his head.

Their noses almost touched.

Their breaths intertwined.

Their eyes met.

There was a slight ambiguity to the situation.

IU jumped in fright as she tried to sit back down, but the man suddenly hooked his other arm around her waist.

He then closed in on her.

His warm breaths brushed against her cheek, sending tingles down her spine.

At that moment, the atmosphere was no longer just a little ambiguous. It seemed, even the air they breathed felt slightly alluring.

Realizing that she was being forcefully restrained by the man, IUs cheeks heated up.

Her naturally pale complexion was now blushing with two patches of red.

She clenched her fists to suppress her angst and discomfort before she lifted her head and looked at Lisa with a fierce expression, What are you doing? This isnt a film studio, stop acting out a stupid 8pm soap opera. If you keep provoking me like this, you better be careful. I might...I might slap you in the face.

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