5장=A Truly Strong And Domineering Man

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Lisa kept his arm wrapped around IU with an emotionless expression. His indifferent attitude made him seem both conceited and frivolous.

If the two of you harass my wife again, I will contact my lawyers and send you a legal notice, Lisa said calmly. His voice did not contain any anger, but it was as cold as a winters day.

A legal notice?

The old aunts eyes immediately grew big.

She was annoyed that she couldnt get the better of him.

But, her calculative mind told her to hold back and act cautiously, so she did not argue with Lisa.

IU: ...

Thats right, this man was truly strong and domineering.

But, he was also sinister, black-bellied and tricky.

Auntie, he is really my husband, I cant be with anyone else apart from him, otherwise, I would be committing adultery. If you dont believe me, we can show you our marriage certificate, IU said as she smiled at Lisa. What do you say?

IU actually wanted to take another look at the marriage certificate and confirm its authenticity, but Lisa did not budge...

Everyone around them looked at each other confusedly. What was happening? If this young woman was already married, then why was that man proposing to her earlier?

What are you doing? Shes already married. Why are you harassing her?

How could you destroy someone elses family? What game are you playing?

I hate people that use love as an excuse to commit adultery. Worst of all, hes a man.


Everyone was stunned as they started to criticize Jungkook and the auntie.

But, of course, Jungkook and the old aunt werent pleased with the scolding.

All of a sudden, they felt a little helpless and didnt know what to say nor how to explain their actions.

Lisas expression was cold as a sense of impatience swept across his eyes. It seemed, he didnt want to give them any more of his time. So, he wrapped his arm around IU and leisurely turned to leave.

He remained calm, refined and comfortable.

Anyone that looked at the couple would believe that they were in love.

As they walked, IU acted obediently like a good little wife.

However, as soon as they were out of everyones sight, she laughed and said, The shows over, you can let go of me now.

But, Lisa kept his arm wrapped around her as his lips curved slightly upwards, Who told you that was a show?

IU rolled her eyes.

A moment later, she hissed in pain and said, Whether it was a show or not, can you let go of me first? If you continue like this, my hip might snap.

Lisa squinted slightly and loosened his hold.

His suddenly empty hands gave him a strange feeling.

There is a cafe up ahead, lets go there and sit for a bit. We can discuss how we met. Ive spoken to a doctor: I lost my memory and cant remember anything.

Lisa looked deep into her eyes, his piercing gaze seemed to see completely through her.

IU swallowed nervously. She felt as though he was looking at her like a prey in his cage.

This wasnt good.

As time ticked by, IU began to feel like she had been waiting for a long and arduous century.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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