First conversation

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HARRY: Hi, Y/n?

Y/N: Hi Harry

HARRY: Hello, I'm sorry it's so late. I had to take a shower and wind down a little. I had a lot of people to talk to today

Y/N: It's okay. Honestly I didn't think you would actually text me. You're a pretty popular guy

-Harry bit his lip. Yeah he was busy , but he liked to make time when he could . He had a cheeky smile on his face.

HARRY: Yeah, I guess. But I promised, right? Plus I'm pretty nice and down to earth one you get to know me.

Y/N: Yeah, you seem to be

HARRY: Now, what's going on in the world of Y/n? What's your last name?

Y/N: Its Y/L/N. And not much. Kinda freaking out right now.

HARRY: Why's that?

Y/N: I'm in college and I have stupid psychology homework and my nineteen year old brain doesn't get it lol

HARRY: Oh, I can't help you there. I took one psych class before I left school. It was kinda cool

Y/N: Its my best subject and major but this homework is super hard but I don't wanna bore you

HARRY: You couldn't bore me if you tried, Y/n. I find it interesting. So you're from Holmes chapel? I've never seen you.

Y/N: Well, not originally. We moved here about 6 months ago for my mom's job but I don't really go anywhere or know anyone.

HARRY: Ohhh I see. Well I'll be coming home in about a week for a home visit. Would you want to maybe hangout?

- Harry  got nervous. Was he moving to fast for her? They're just potential friends potentially hanging out.

Y/N: Me? With you? Are you sure? I mean how do I know you didn't give your number to anyone else?

HARRY: Y/n I didn't. I'm not like that. You seem pretty cool so I thought we could get to know each other.

Y/N: I'm sorry Harry I didn't mean it like that. But I'd like to think I am kinda cool. But aren't you dating CELEB NAME or something?

-Harry frowned. No, he wasn't dating CELEB NAME. They were just friends, but of course the paparazzi and news make it something else. He didn't like her like that. He hated how the news made him look like a womanizer and and the bad guy.

HARRY: No, I'm not dating CELEB NAME. We're just friends. We never really hangout or anything.

Y/N: Ohhh I see. I didn't mean to make you upset. I have to try and finish this stupid homework. I'll text you when I'm done, okay?

HARRY: Yeah, that sounds great. And you didn't upset me. Im just laying in my hotel room.

Louis took this a little bit ago but I haven't moved

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Louis took this a little bit ago but I haven't moved

Y/N: Aw Harry you look adorable

-Harry blushed and smiled while shoving his head in his pillow like a kid.

HARRY: You think so? I think I look like a bum.

Y/N: No you look really cute lol

HARRY: Well I am kinda cute

Y/N: No you're really cute

HARRY: Oh geez Y/n you're making me blush. Well I'll let you go, Y/n I hope you have a great study session.

Y/N: Thank you, Harry. I should be done in
about half an hour if you wanna text then?

HARRY: Sounds great 😊

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