First appointment

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Y/n woke up extra early this morning. She opened her eyes and broke into an instant smile. Her appointment wasn't until 2 but it was only 9 a.m. She rolled on her left side and noticed a warm body next to her sleeping like an angel. His face carved from stone, stern but soft. She leaned down and kissed his cheek, hoping to get a shower and he stirred slightly. She hoped he wouldn't wake up, but he spoke to her before she could gain energy to move. "Y/n? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Harry looked at her worried. "Nothings wrong, Harry. I'm just going to get a shower. Go back to sleep. We have a few hours until our appointment." Harry nodded at her but opened his arms. "Okay, but first a little cuddle. Come here." Y/n smiled and moved her body into his, their legs intwined. Harry looked down and kissed his loves forehead. "How are you feeling this morning? Baby giving you a run again?" Y/n snuggled deeper into his chest. "I'm feeling okay so far. I just woke up my feet haven't hit the ground yet." Harry nodded and silenced filled the room. Before Y/n knew it she heard snores and Harry was out cold again. She wanted to let him sleep as much as possible. She slipped out of his arms and he rolled on his belly, hugging his pillow. He looked so cute, and Y/n couldn't help but take a picture.

 He looked so cute, and Y/n couldn't help but take a picture

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Y/n smiled at the picture and decided it was time for her shower. They still didn't have furniture so she had to get her clothes from her bag. For now she decided on a tank top and pajama shorts. She felt exhausted but she had to get moving or her baby would make her regret it. When walking into the bathroom her stomach did flips and she stood next to the sink waiting for it to calm down. "Fucking morning sickness. I can't wait for this part to be over." She turned on the water and waited for the temperature to adjust to her comfort. Once in she already felt like a brand new woman. Thank god she brought her favorite body soap or else she'd have to use Harry's. She couldn't stand the smell of it. She must have been in the shower a long time because she heard the bathroom door open. "Y/n? Are you okay? You've been in there a while." Y/n peeked her head out from behind the shower door. "Yeah I'm fine. Just relaxing a little. The water is helping my morning sickness stay down." Harry bit his lip and walked closer to the door. "Could I join you? I need a shower too. But if not I can wait." Y/n opened the door more and invited Harry in. "Come on, silly." Harry stripped and stepped in. Y/n's cheeks warmed up, this being the first time they've showered together. Her back faced Harry and she washed the bubbles off of her. She noticed hands on her shoulders and neck. Harry began rubbing her shoulders and back. She sighed and didn't realize how much she needed that. She stepped back and her head rested on Harry's chest. He kissed her cheek from behind. "I love you. Are you still feeling okay? Let me know if I ask too much. I'm just anxious." Y/n turned around and put her arms around Harry's neck. "I'm doing okay so far. I think it's because you're home. It comforts me and our little baby knowing you're home." Harry smirked and leaned down to kiss Y/n. Their lips met over and over again. He loved kissing her. From the first kiss, to now it was his favorite thing. He couldn't help but touch her all over. His hands grazing her arms, moving to hips.He cupped her face and looked at her. "Thank you for coming into my life. You're perfect for me, Y/n. Maybe I'm perfect for you. Either way I'm here." Y/n smiled and pulled Harry into a long hug. "Harry. I'm starving. Your baby requests food." He laughed and rubbed Y/n's belly. "Is that so? Well we better get out and get mommy some food before you make her sick again, you naughty thing."
     Y/n and Harry got out of the shower both feeling refreshed. Harry made her some toast and jam which made her feel better. They relaxed until it was time to leave for the babies appointment. Y/n was nervous to see her little babe for the first time. "You ready to go? We're gonna be late." Y/n shook her head and walked hand in hand with Harry out the door. "What about paparazzi? Won't they be out there?" Harry shook his head no. "Nah, nobody knows where we are. I never told anyone where I was going for the week. Mum is in  the car waiting though." The couple walked outside and noticed Anne sitting in the lot. "Hello, loves. Y/n you feeling okay? You look a little peaked." She did feel a little sick. "Just nervous, honestly. Hoping everything is okay." Harry sat in the back and twirled his thumbs. He wouldn't let Y/n know but he was as nervous as a person could get. He didn't know what was going to happen at this appointment. Would his baby be okay? Is Y/n okay? His mind was racing at lighting speed. Before he knew it the car stopped at the doctors office. "Here you are. The finest gynecologist around." The two thanked Anne and they went inside. The waiting room was cold and sent a chill down Y/n's spine. She walked up to the window to the girl who's eyes went from tired to shocked when she realized who was at her window. "Oh God. You're Harry Styles. You're home! Wow. Okay, uh how can I help you?" Before Y/n could answer Harry took over, his nerves taking over. "Uh Y/N Y/L/N we're here for our first appointment." Y/n smiled and looked up at the girl who was flabbergasted. "Oh I see. She's here for her first baby appointment. Yours, Harry?" Y/n started to get annoyed. "Yes, his. May we get checked in please? I'm starting to get nauseous." The couple got checked in and waited. Harry's phone started buzzing. "Fuck. News spreads fast. That girl really needs to learn to keep things to herself." Y/n checked her phone and there it was. HARRY STYLES....DAD? HARRY STYLES GET UNKNOWN GIRL PREGNANT. "Goddamn this is annoying." Y/n's feelings we're hurt at that comment. "Well I'm sorry our baby is an annoyance for you. And I'm guessing I'm an annoyance too? Maybe you should wait somewhere else." Harry didn't mean it that way. He was speaking about the press. He was proud of his baby and Y/n, but sometimes he has a poor choice of words. "No, baby that's not what I meant. I was talking about the press and paparazzi. You know there is very little I can keep private. You know how happy you and our baby make me, don't you? I wouldn't say anything to hurt you." Y/n's face went soft and realized she overreacted. "I know, Harry I'm sorry. It's my hormones. They're crazy. I know you love us but I'm nervous how peoples gonna handle it. You're a woman magnet you know that." Harry laughed at her comment. "Well I love you and only you. Don't worry about that." Y/n heard her name being called and they both went back. There was a gown sitting on the bed and the nurse told her to strip from the waist down. "Do you want me to step out?" Harry looked at Y/n. "Harry you've seen me naked multiple times. You're fine." He shook his head and sat down, palms sweating profusely. Y/n sat on the bed and she heard a knock at the door. "Y/n? Hello! I'm Doctor Starr. It's lovely to meet you. And Mr. Styles! How's are you? Career going well?" Harry reached out and shook the doctors hand. "Yessir very well. Thank you." Doctor Starrlooked at Y/n and smiled. "Well, are you ready to have a look at your little love?" Y/n shook her head yes and leaned back. "Now, the first thing we're going to do is perform a pelvic exam. I'm going to check up inside and make sure everything is safe and sound. After that I'm going to do a blood test. Only to properly confirm your pregnancy for yourself and us as well. And then we will do an ultrasound alone with the heartbeat. Deal?" Y/n agreed and they began. The pelvic test was incredibly uncomfortable and she cousins imagine doing this every 2-3 months. Her blood test went okay but Harry's face began to get a little pale. He stated he was okay and when the doctor left the room Harry let out a sigh of relief. After a few moments the doctor came back in. "Well, confirmation you're pregnant. Which we already knew but it's nice to have confirmation. Based on your pelvic exam and blood work you're doing everything great. Now, we are going to do an ultrasound." Y/n layed on her back and lifted her shirt. The cold gel touched her belly and she jumped. Once the stick touched her belly she looked at the monitor. "Now, your baby is the size of a kidney bean. Their hands and feet are forming and so is the digestive system. Their nose and lips are starting to form." Before Y/n could ask she heard it. THU DUMP. THU DUMP. Her babies heartbeat. She heard it. Y/n turned to Harry and he had a tear in his eye and a smile. She reached out for him and he rushed to her holding her hand. "Y/n that's our baby. Holy shit." Harry's eyes were shining and he kissed Y/n. "Yeah that's your baby. They're doing great. Strong heart beat and strong ulstrasound. If I had to guess I would say that your due date is around the end of November. Does that sound about right?" The couple shook their heads and smiled. "Well, would you like ultrasound pictures?" Y/n smiled at her doctor. "Yes, please." Harry interjected before the doctor could leave the room. "Uh, doctor. I have a question. I'm going back on tour in a few days and I want to take Y/n with me. I don't feel comfortable leaving her here being pregnant and all. Will she be okay to travel?" Doctor Starr looked at both Y/n and Harry. "Well, as long as she gets plenty of rest. Not standing on her feet to long and make sure you get her out of anywhere you are before you and your band mates leave. I don't want anyone who isn't you alone anyone around you to touch her because she's still in early pregnancy and she's high risk. As long as you watch her and you watch yourself, Y/n you will be fine." Harry smiled and waited for the do for to bring in his babies ultrasound. He got up and stood between Y/n's legs. "Are you okay?" Harry put his hands on her waist and looked in her eyes. "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little overwhelmed. Happy." Doctor Starr came in and let the couple know they are good to go with their pictures and to call him if there is any trouble.

Y/n and Harry spoke to Anne and she cried when she saw the ultrasound

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Y/n and Harry spoke to Anne and she cried when she saw the ultrasound. "Oh my goodness. Look at the little one. When are you due?" Y/n spoke first. "The end of November, the same time of the album release." Harry smiled and reached up to hold Y/n's hand. "It'll be a busy week but we will get through it. It'll be great." Anne took the couple back to their flat and Y/n was beat...and hungry. She decided on crisps.  Her and Harry  looked at furniture online. "How about that one?" Harry was looking at a black sectional. It was expensive. "Harry that's way too expensive. Let's look cheaper." Harry smiled at her. "Nonsense, baby. Only the best for you and little bean there." Y/n cuddled in to Harry's warm body and kept looking. They finally decided on a couch, dining room table and televisions. It was so expensive but Y/n didn't say a word because it didn't do any good. Harry was determined to give her everything she didn't have when she was younger. Evening came and Y/n was spent. She wore her tank top and shorts to bed and climbed in waiting on Harry, who was getting a snack. "You know if you keep eating these you're gonna turn into one." Y/n looked up and Harry had a bag of her crisps in his hand. "Hey those are mine! They are your child's favorite." Harry giggled. "Well my child has good taste. Just like me. Now don't forget I have to go back with the boys to get everything ready for you on tour and get our bus ready." Y/n smiled and shook her head. "Don't you guys have a crew for that?" Harry stoodnext to her and smiled. "Yeah but we life to do it ourselves. It helped them out they have a lot to do too." She kissed his neck distracting him enough to grab the bag out of Harry's hands making him gasp sarcastically. "Now that was rude." Y/n took a handful and handed the bag back. Harry took a few more and set it on the floor. No stands yet, ya know.  The two snuggled into bed and layed silently for a few moments. "I love you. Thank you for giving me this little baby. Thank you for giving me you and getting me out of that situation with mum. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't go to that meet and greet." Harry kissed her cheeks and finally stopped in front of her lips. " I love you too. And if you wasn't at that meet and greet I guarantee we would have found each other anyway. Now, let's get some sleep. I know you're tired." Y/n agreed and before she knew it she was sleeping soundly in Harry's arms.

You and Me and a Baby makes Three (BOOK 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن