Unexpected visit

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Y/n was folding some clothes on the couch and watching telly. She hit 27 weeks which meant Harry was only going to be gone for another week and then he was home for awhile. The flat was spotless and she was running out do things to do. She thought about purposely making a mess so she would have to clean it up at this point. She heard a knock at the door and a little laugh in the other side. She opened the door and her niece, Raegan ran to her and hugged her legs. "Auntie Y/n! We're here! Are you surprised?" Y/n hugged her niece,and didn't want to let her go. "What are you two doing here? I take it mum didn't come?" Katie looked at her and shook her head no. "Mums still being a bitch as always. She blew up on Raegan and I for coming to see you but we wanted to be in your lives more now that my niece is in there." Katie nodded towards her belly and smiled. Y/n hugged her sister and had her come in. "So is Harry still on his press tour thing?" Y/n shook her head and led the two to the couch. Raegan plopped down and arrest her out, taking her shoes off in the process. "This couch is so soft! I could fall asleep here! And watch cartoons!" Y/n giggled and turned on Raegans shows, knowing what she liked. Her and her sister got up and walked to the kitchen, standing at the island. "We want to take you out for lunch today. I know you haven't left the flat much since Harry left. You need to get some good food and possibly a little retail therapy in. Harry agreed." Katie put her hand over her mouth and her eyes went wide. "Wait, Harry? Katie, he knew you were coming?" Her sister looked at her and nodded. "I messaged him first on Instagram seeing how you was because I knew you had been emotional and stuff since he left and we came up with this surprise. He really is a sweetheart, Y/n. He even asked me things about you he didn't even know yet. Like your favorite flower, song and stuff. He's a keeper." Y/n smiled because Katie was right. Well, Rae what do we want to do today?" Raegan turned around and look at Y/n. "Go to a One Direction concert to see Uncle Harry!" That made Y/n's eyes sparkle. Uncle Harry. That was different and she realized that Raegan has never met Harry yet...not officially . "Hmmm maybe one day but they don't have a show right now. How about when he comes home you can come visit and he can give you a personal concert, hm?" Raegan shook her head and jumped on the couch with her knees.
Y/n, Katie and Raegan went out to do some shopping. Harry told her to use his card but she didn't want to unless it was needed. She found some beautiful maternity dresses and other clothes. She didn't realize she needed them until she couldn't button her jeans earlier.

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