Coming home

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Harry was coming home today for a full week. Y/n was nervous to see him but also eager. She was around seven weeks along (estimating) and she was always crying, hungry ...and sick. She bought the  things for their loft but she waited to get some of the big items for when Harry got here. She got a bed, tv and some groceries but nothing else. Y/n put some decoration on the wall and she was feeling content. She still hasn't spoken to her mom, and she was okay with that. The last thing she needed was negativity. Her sister was supportive and brought Y/n things from her mothers that she had to leave. She knew she had a support system, but what about the band? Management? She didn't want to fuck up Harrys chances of becoming even more successful. Anne helped her a lot in the loft such as helping put Harry's things away that was left from his room. "Y/n, love? Where are you?" Anne looked around the mostly empty flat.

 "Y/n, love? Where are you?" Anne looked around the mostly empty flat

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"I'm in the bathroom! I'm sorry I got sick again. I'm feeling a little lightheaded." Anne ran  to the bathroom to help hold Y/n's hair. "Little babe is giving you a run for your money, ain't they? I remember when I was pregnant with Harry. He was a stinker and I couldn't eat anything but bananas. But usually it only happens until three or so months. But it's different for everyone." Y/n looked up and smiled at Anne. She really was great. She supported both her and Harry and she had a smile on her face every time she spoke. " I just want to say thank you. You've helped me tremendously and I don't know how to repay you." Anne rubbed Y/n's arm and smiled slightly. "The only thing I ask is to be the absolute best thing that Harry can have. He's worked hard and he loves you. He has a future ahead of him and he wants you in it. He wants his baby in it. Be there for him and your baby. I know he can be dramatic sometimes but he's a good boy with a big heart. I should be thanking you, honestly. I've never seen him smile so much." Y/n's lips spread into a smile. " You know you're honestly a better mother figure to me in the time I've known you then my mom had been for nineteen years. Thank you. You're gonna be the best grandma ever." Anne stood up and helped Y/n  too. She pulled her into a hug so tight that neither heard the door open. It was Harry, wondering where they were. "Y/n? Mum? Where are you?" Y/n's eyes widened and she released from Anne, walking out of the bathroom, seeing Harry standing in the kitchen waiting for the girls. He looked up and smiled. "Y/n, holy shit. You're glowing!" He ran to her and grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. "Harry not to tight I've been sick all day. I'd hate to throw up all over your favorite kiss shirt."

Harry quickly put her down

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Harry quickly put her down. "Still sick? Is there anything I can do?" Y/n shook her head no. "Not really. I've just been eating a lot of crackers, but I have cravings too. But I just get sick after I eat them." Harry shook his head but he could help but ask. "What are your cravings?" Y/n went over to the fridge that she bought the day before. She pointed to the tuna. "See that tuna? My favorite is putting it in a cup with chocolate sauce and cherries. With ice cream, but only vanilla ice cream." Harry was instantly gross out. "You haven't eaten any of that today have you? That's disgusting." Y/n shook her head no as Harry pulled her into his embrace. "Good. I didn't want my breathe to smell like chocolate and tuna." He smiled and kissed Y/n. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss. "I missed you." Y/n pecked his nose and touched her forehead with his. "I missed you too. Where's mum? Has she been helping you?" Harry touched Y/n's belly. He rubbed it for a few seconds and his face turned red as Anne walked into the room. "I'm right here, love. Just giving you both a moment." Harry gave his mom a hug and she decided to leave for the day to give the couple some time alone. "Okay, now that I'm home we need to do figure out a lot of stuff. First of all, I spoke to management. They're pissed but they will get over it. Second, the boys. I told them last night, and let's just say they all had their own way of handling it. Zayn gave me a big ass hug, Liam was to shocked to speak, Niall dropped his sandwich and Louis couldn't talk for about fifteen minutes. Let me tell ya, that was a peaceful moment. Third, after this week. I know my mum is here but I won't be. I want you to come with me. I'll take care of you as much as I can. And then we have a little break. The album comes out in between now and the baby being born. Actually I figure right when the baby is born. Some timing, huh?" It was a lot of information for Y/n to take in. She would love to go with Harry. More than anything but she didn't know how hard it would be for her to travel. "What about the traveling? It's on a bus right? Where would I sleep?" Harry smiled at his beloved. "With me, of course. Our bunks are huge, trust me. We have plane rides too. But this time at the concerts you'll have to be with security all the time. You don't have to come to all of them either since it's a lot of standing.  I was so protective before the baby. Imagine now. You can still stand in front like I said but I'm gonna be watching like a hawk. I don't want anything happening to my babies." Y/n walked away from Harry and looked in the fridge for a drink, feeling nauseous AGAIN. She decided on water and opened the cap and turned around. "Hm. Sounds pretty fun. I can't wait to see you perform, daddy." Harry's smile faded and he bit his lip. "Wow. That word has a different meaning now, doesn't it?" Y/n walked closer to her boyfriend and kissed his cheek. "Yes it does. So what do we do now?" Harry thought about that, which he had no clue. "Well, we could...go get actual furniture besides a bed. Televisions for in here and such, ya know the basics. And don't you dare worry about money before you say anything. You know we hopefully never worry about that. And then we could go to lunch or something. Come back here and hope some  will be delivered today. And then we can have time to be together before your appointment tomorrow." Harry was proud of that plan, but she had a different idea. "That sounds great, but couldn't we stay here and order furniture? I like being here. Order food and cuddle sounds amazing. Along with a long long bath with you." Harry looked at Y/n with eagerness. "I like that a lot better." He picked her up bridal style and took her into the bedroom with intentions of only cuddling and looking for furniture. But ya know...plans change.

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