Spare room

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I walked slowly up the stairs before taking a deep breath and finally ringing the door bell. As soon as I did so, the door flew open and I was welcomed by the attractive sight of my boyfriend, Hayes.

"Hi!" He greeted me, cheerfully. I smiled at his enthusiasm and replied with a "Hi Hayes" back. He beckoned for me to come in and I did so, walking into his hallway.

"Where should I put my bags?" I asked him, looking around.

"In the spare room upstairs, that's where you'll be staying tonight. Here, I'll take them up," he offered. I nodded and thanked him as he made his way up the stairs, me following behind him.

"Here you go, the toilets just next to it incase you need to go at some point tonight," Hayes told me, signalling to the closed door. I thanked him as he put my bag next to the bed and showed me where the spare pillow was just in case I might need it. After everything, one question was asked:


"Pizza." I nodded, grinning in excitement.


It was 10pm and Hayes and I had just finished watching an episode of supernatural. We were laying together on his family's sofa- his arm hanging relaxed over my shoulders and my leg hanging relaxed over his lap.

Suddenly the door bell rung, causing Hayes to groan as he hurried to answer it. As he opened the door, Skylynn and Hayes' mum walked in with a little girl around the same age as Skylynn.

"I'm so sorry Amber but I completely forgot that Skylynn's friend is staying round and Skylynn's room is being repainted so they have to stay in the spare room. Would you mind staying with Hayes tonight?" Hayes' mum asked, looking genuinely sorry.

To be honest, I did mind. Sure Hayes and I had been going out for 5 going on 6 months now but we were taking things slow. I wasn't prepared at all to sleep in the same bed as Hayes. For all I knew, it would lead up to things and I defiantly wasn't ready for that! However, I couldn't really say no so I just agreed and said it was fine.

Hayes was smiling a bit more than usual and I could easily tell that he was looking forward to it. His reaction calmed me down slightly and he soon grabbed my hand as he lead me up the stairs once more to move my bags into his room.


"So welcome to my room..." Hayes said, swinging his arms to the side as he flung open the door and spun round like a toddler trying ballet for the first time. I laughed at his action and walked in, taking in my surroundings.

"Your room is clean?" I said, but it came out more like a question.

"Yeah but I'm not going to take the credit- my mum did it," he replied, grinning.

"Yeah... I could tell," I joked. He gasped playfully and hit me on the arm softly.

"Hayes! You don't hit girls!" I remarked. He quickly apologised, before holding my arm and placing a small kiss on where he had hit me. I felt myself begin to blush, so I turned my head so he couldn't see.

"What side do you prefer sleeping on?" He asked me, casually. That was it. He bought it up. I was kind of hoping I could avoid the subject until it came to actually sleeping but he ruined it.

"The left," I answered.

"Damn, I like the left."

"Well I liked it first so I get the left," I shrugged. He shook his head.

"That's not fair! I demand a game of Rock Paper Scissors. Best of three?" Hayes asked, raising one eyebrow. I nodded.

He won. I got the right.


"It's getting late Amber," Hayes said, pointing at the clock. I peered over and wow, he was right. It was 12:20 and I was supposed to be going with Hayes to watch his football game.

"Yeah, I think we should go to bed now," I suggested.

"Ok just remember to go on the right side loser." I laughed but did as I was told.

When we were both under the covers, Hayes switched off the lamp. It was kind of awkward since neither of us had moved close to the other. I suppose Hayes sensed it because he soon pulled me closer to him so that he was the big spoon and I was his little one. I wriggled even nearer to his chest and sighed with relief. I soon felt Hayes as he buried his head into my hair.

"Goodnight Amber. Sleep tight beautiful."

AN: This was a personal imagine for AmberBella9. I hope it was good!

I know I ask a lot of you guys but one quick thing: please go follow me on Instagram! My username is: clarkrebekka. That's my personal account but it only has 75 followers and I might follow you guys back! Also, feel free to stalk it and like my pics because that makes me super duper happy! :)

Question: favourite author/ books?

Answer: Gayle Forman and John Green. I really recommend the books 'Paper towns' and 'I was here'. x

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