Let me in

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Hayes is the person that helps me to forget all of my problems. Hayes is the one who helps me to forget that I cried myself to sleep the night before, and the nights before that. Hayes is the one who puts a smile on my face when just before hand I had felt completely dead inside. Hayes is the one who gives me confidence. But then again, Hayes is also the one who tears it all back down.

Hayes is the one that makes me cry at night. Hayes's lack of presence makes me feel dead inside. Hayes is the core root to all my problems.

Yet he is my only solution.

I think that my problems revolve around the fact that he is so guarded. Not physically but more that he won't let anybody get too close. He won't discuss his personal life with anybody but himself. He won't break any of the mental walls that he has built up so carefully.

I just want him to let me in.

I've wanted that for a while now. A long while. But the final barrier hasn't been broken down yet. Because he's the only one that can do that.

We've been best friends for years but he just seems so detached. The most I know about him is the fact that he won't let anybody know about him.

He's only had one relationship. And that ended badly. Turns out the girl wasn't fully committed to Hayes and after he found her cheating on him with his best friend at the time, she decided it would be hilarious if she told everybody about Hayes' little secrets. She was the only person that he had allowed to hear them.

But I'm sick and tired of him being so distant and me just waiting for him to change. So that's how I ended up at his front door at 11 at night.

"Y/n? What are you doing here? It's so late," he asked, pulling me in away from the cold and locking the door.

"We need to talk," I told him. I guess he was too tired to be confused so instead he just nodded and led me up into his room. Sitting down on his bed, he beckoned for me to start.

For some reason- I'm guessing just the heat of the moment got to me- but I ditched my speech that I had been planning on the way over.

"Let me in Hayes."

"What? I did Y/n, that's why we're here," he laughed, now able to be confused.

"No. Not in the house Hayes. Let me in your head."

"What do you mean?" He asked, eyebrows scrunched together.

"I mean that we've been best friends all our lives and I know near to nothing about you. I've waited and waited for you to change but obviously that's not going to happen. But I need it to happen Hayes. I need you to let me in and for your to trust me."

"Y/n... You know what happened...I don't think I can..." He said, looking away from me, guilt obvious on his face. I sat beside him slowly, reaching for his hand.

"You can trust me Hayes."

"Why? Why should I trust you? How do I know that you're not gonna just hurt me like she did?"

"Because I'm in love with you. That's why. Hurting you would just hurt me."

He breathed in deeply, loud enough that I could hear it. He closed his eyes and squeezed my hand. Hesitantly, he opened them again and faced me, looking me in the eyes.

"Ok then...what do you want to know?"

Thank you for reading and I hope you like it! This was based on a request by @LaurenMoyses and the song Let me in by Grouplove.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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