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“You’re crazy you good for nothing fool” Mrs. Nwafor screamed at Mr. Nwafor who was an elderly man in his late 40s. Mr. and Mrs. Nwafor Ozubuilike were once a happy and lovely couple until Mr. Nwafor became financially handicapped due to his firing from his place of employment by the company’s boss. Hardship and suffering became the nickname of the Nwafor’s family as there were no investment made by Mr Nwafor. Mrs. Nwafor was just a petty trader whose daily earnings isn’ t even enough to cater for an individual. Sometimes, I wonder why she still continues with that trade that can’t even feed her own stomach.

"O! God, they’ve started again and in fact I’m tired of living in this house" Tarila exclaimed. It was as though ill luck became a constant nightmare to the Nwafor’s as poverty continues to plunge in. But despite these difficulties Tarila has always been top of his class, loved and cherished by all his teachers and was the brightest student of those within his age grade academically. As the thoughts of the conflicts between his parent’s runs through his mind, the terrorist as he calls her, stumped into his room and bellowed on him to fill the two rusty drums in the house with water. Ifeanyiwa as she was called was a chubby and brief girl of 21 years old. She brought her university education to halt when she became pregnant for Charles who was one of the university thug and member of the most terrorizing group on campus known as the Iceland cult group. She nearly lost her life while in the process of carrying out an abortion. Mr. Nwafor hearing about this news was thrown into a state of hodgepodge because the pain he went through to make sure that Ifeanyiwa was admitted into the University of Nigeria, Nsukka still falls on him and the news of his daughter’s pregnancy rendered him bedridden for three months. After recovering from his bedridden state Mr. Nwafor took his hand off Ifeanyiwa’s life though she was allowed to stay in the house still. Most times he wish some rich men could just marry her and make her to leave his house forever.

Well, that was two years ago. Ifeanyiwa made sure she doesn’t cross her father’s path in other not to be reminded of her atrocities in the university and to face a haul of insults. And as a result of that she became distant from her father who was even happy with the decision she made. Despite the mistake she made, she was William’s favourite pal and sister and the both of them relates with each other better.

The thoughts of the discord between his Parents ruminates through his mind. It was as though a wrestling contest was being held in his head, that is, a contest between Angels and Demons or between life and death and that he was at the Centre of it all.

"You good for nothing imbecile," Madam Oluburuku who was the owner of the borehole that all that surrounds her taps from bellowed at Tarila who was in the world of thoughts even as his head bounces in conflicts. Madam Oluburuku attitudes do not only petrify those around her but also led to the death of her husband who was a Civil Servant.

It was on a Thursday evening after the day's work Mr. Perelayefa came back feeling dizzy and stressed out because his work at the office is not only difficult but also passing through the roads of Lagos was another huge task. After entry into some rickety bus that dances like a Cobra ready to attack its prey. Well, he was able to defeat the busy road of Lagos but getting home and hoping to refresh himself, he met a wife who turned herself into a viper after the holy matrimony was held. Her sudden changed pricked Mr. Perelayefa to the bones and marrows.

"I'm hungry, get me some food," Mr. Perelayefa said to his Wife Oluburuku who stood in an akimbo position staring at a faded picture at the eastern side of their wretched living room suffering from untidiness. "Get me some food, I'm hungry," Mr. Perelayefa said again. And once again Madam Oluburuku was reluctant and adamant to heed to her husband’s request and after a dead silence for about a minute madam Oluburuku thundered "Did you keep a slave or a cook in this house"? Mr. Perelayefa who was accustomed to her behaviour couldn't hold his anger anymore but decided to unleash his anger on Madam Oluburuku that day, not knowing that his first trial would be his last breath. As he stood up intending to give her a slap that will render her Paralyze, she rushed in and pushed him, causing his head to hit against the column leading to the room upstairs thereby cracking his head asunder. Mr. Perelayefa who was already weak gave a sigh and bemoaned his fate and breathed his last. The case was reported by Mr. Perelayefa family to the Police and to the Court but it was immediately silenced by Madam Oluburuku's father who was a wealthy politician. So, her attitude isn't a new show off to Tarila. Kpo.........kpa kpa.....Kpo was the knock that landed on Tarila's head which sent him back to reality. "I'm sorry Madam Oluburuku, I never knew my Keg was filled to the brim," Tarila said with heavy eyes whilst rubbing his hand against his head. "Get out of here you bastard son of a bastard father!!" Madam Oluburuku thundered. Those last words would forever cause Tarila to ponder about his existence.

The journey back home was like a snake in several curves, some places were straight and others curve. Whilst Tarila was still feeling the pain of the Atomic bomb that landed on his head and the insults madam Oluburuku landed on him, his mind drifted from the world of reality to a world he only can say of. The thoughts of his parents conflicts, the threats to his education, economic and financial hardships, his sister's fall, runs through his mind even as he soliloquies within himself. Ouch!! Was the sound that came out from his mouth after hitting his leg on a stone that was smiling at him and celebrating over its winning that day.

"You must kill me today! you must kill me today you fool" Mrs. Nwafor shouted at her husband even as she runs around the compound chasing him. Mr. Nwafor had finally given her a beating to silence her garrulous attitude that afternoon but Mrs. Nwafor isn't someone that will just quit easily. Tears ran down Tarila's cheeks even as he beholds the drama in front of him. The next thing he saw was that his mother was on the floor being climbed upon by his father who gave her the blows of Roman Reigns. Mrs. Nwafor finally won her way out of her husband’s grips after chopping off the flesh of his arm with her teeth. Tarila who was about to separate the heated fight took a step backwards as he remembers the last time he tried in separating a fight between his parents and how the two by two wood landed on his head rendering him unconscious, and that because his bills weren't fully meant earlier, he stayed in the hospital for three months. On that day he was coming back from the school when he met his parents in the battle of Smack down and without much thoughts on how to quench the fire he rushed in and the next thing he heard was

Poh......Poh.......pah which sent him to the world beyond and back as the next place he found himself was in a white world with the stench of drugs in the air. "No! Nope! I don't want to go through that again. Who knows if I might even stay in the hospital for a year", Tarila said to himself even as the battle continues.

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