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And finally the D-day came and Baba Babayaro’s residence was lighted up in the spirit of excitement as there were drinking, smoking and even some skimpy ladies were present and cars of all types could be found everywhere. Each guy could be found rocking a lady while they both dance to the rhythm of the song ‘Cocoon’ by Migos to the amazement of the new converts. Although the dream he dreamt the previous night still bothers him but he couldn’t allow this golden opportunity to be wealthy to slip through his fingers.

After the dancing which ended briskly all members of the Eiye Confraternity were invited to the usual meeting room located at a quarter of the compound. Fear caught hold of the new converts especially Tarila as he stepped in to the poorly lit room seeing the skull of a bull and the sign of the moon on the Eastern side of the room. All members became dressed in red robes even as Baba Babayaro prepared the ritual whilst casting incantations. “You’re all welcome to our monthly meeting”the thick bearded Baba said with a thick voice and the response was “Thankyou Baba” the new converts could be seen petrified at the sight they behold.

“Anyone who desires to join this great group should step forward” Baba Babayaro ordered. And at that five teenagers including Tarila and two adults stepped forward being assisted by their inviters; “Are you ready to be members of this great group” Baba asked again, “Yes Baba” the new convert replied. The initiation process includes the drinking of the blood of a bull, floggings with canes which is said to remove the spirit of fear and timidity and the cutting of the back of the skin to place the mark of brotherhood and the sign of the Eiye confraternity. The initiation process was tough for Tarila and the others but they were already at the point of their breakthrough and so they never gave into their fear and torture but were willing to pay the ultimate price and sacrifice. To sum up the entire initiation process the new converts were demanded to seal up the initiation with each of them to have sex with the Ladies. This process was said to be the most important of all because the souls of the members could be fully bonded in that manner and with that they can be fully cleansed of their human fears and doubts.

It was a difficult task for the new converts but they can’t just end halfway to the dawn of wealth and so they were able to pass the entire test.

“I’m glad that none of you quit during the initiation process and with that I say welcome to the Eiye confraternity. A confraternity as old as the human age and which seeks to improve the welfare of humanity but

you must note that this is a secret body………” Baba Babayaro said while telling the new converts about the dos and don’ts of the confraternity.

And there was jubilation and partying in the air after the initiation process. Tarila was not left out as he began the instantaneous habits of smoking and drinking.

The saying that human attitude changes with time is certainly true as Tarila’s attitude changed spontaneously. School activities became the last thing on his mind as he continued to swim in the ocean of money and luxurious cars and whenever Kayode who was his best friend asked him how he became suddenly wealthy and about his school activities he’ll reply “Don’t worry” and then lie that his uncle finally met his demands and gave him all that he had now. Kayode warned him and told him to return to his old days revealing how his attitude has change within a blink of the eye lid. Tarila never payed attention to the warnings of Kayode but was angry at him that because he came from a rich background he has no worry over anything and now that him ‘Tarila’ is now wealthy he is coming to spew hogwash and hullabaloo words to him and now showing ‘Mr. adviser’ to him who is more brilliant and intelligent. And due to the constant pestering and monitoring attitude of Kayode, Tarila abhors him and then eschewed from speaking to him anymore.

Oluwole and Tarila became the best of friends. They organized parties in which they engaged with Ladies in the act of excesses. The thoughts about schooling and education was erase from his mind for there were influx of money and all the pleasures you can think of. As the days goes by he became more filled with the passion to make more money. He was require to sleep with seven virgins every month and was given the condition not to go under the rain and that the day it rains on him, he will cease to exist.

All efforts by his friends to bring him back to his senses and to his old ways proved abortive as he wallows in a mirage of riches.

Regaining consciousness Nengimote discovered that she had been in the hospital.

The hostile nature of her father and her so called step mother has eaten deep into her system and was later diagnosed of mental exhaustion and depression. “ You’re pretending sick”her step mother said with a cruel tone as she uses her fingers to hit the forehead of Nengimote while the father stood by gaping at her with a disgusting look. “Why was I born into this family?”“I wish my mother was here” were the thoughts that ran through Nengimote's mind.

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