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There were murmuring in the assembly hall as students assembled in the assembly hall. The Principal can be found to have a stern look with a serious demeanor and after giving out his normal testaments, Tarila who was the senior prefect was called out to give out his own speech.

‘Good morning all, the term is moving at a faster speed and you’ re well acquainted about the senior certificate exam that is coming up at the end of the term………….’

And as he was about to say another word his eyes ran towards the end of the line to a girl who was being accompanied by her father to the assembly line of the SHS 3 class. He was stunned at her beauty from afar and couldn’t believe it that she was being admitted into his class. And…….so you must be ready for it’, ending his sentence as though he was just a senior prefect for the senior student only. The thoughts about her couldn't just fade away from his mind through the whole assembly period. After a short prayer was said the students departed into their various classes.

As the form teacher proceeded into the senior class, silence was observed because the punishment meted out on anyone who was caught in the act of noise making is taken to be severe and unbearable.

‘Today, we have a new student and who was reported to be among the best students in her previous school and I’m sure she won’t strain back here. And so I want you all to accept her as a friend and as a colleague. Her name is……’ Mrs. Seiyefa looked at the girl beside her to mention her name, ‘My name is Nengimote’ she said.

Tarila mind was drifted away by the beauty of Nengimote. She was of light skinned and pointed nose and when she speaks, she speaks with a full American accent as though she was raised in America. Her eyes were like that of a Roman goddess and was well built in physique. ‘ Whoa!’ Said a rough rugged guy whose favourite position is always at the back seat. The bouncer as he was called was mesmerized and in a state of hallucination alongside Captain Capo, who was found to be a notorious bully. Flogging and other forms of corporal punishment hasn’t yielded any result in the two and so the teachers gave up on them.

‘On our today’s lecture we’re going to study, ‘GENETICS AND HEREDITARY’, said a middle aged woman whose voice sounded like the droplet of water from a tap. ‘ remember that in our previous class we studied about human varieties and we stated those characteristics can make those of same household to have various differences and similarities; and so from our previous class who can define the meaning of the term ‘GENETICS and HEREDITARY’, the Biology teacher asked. There was total silence in the air even as those that were hoping that Tarila will bail them out of the hands of the teacher continued hoping and never knew that he was in the world of hallucination over Nengimote beauty. The class ended terribly.

Everyone want to be a friend to the new girl even Captain Capo and the bouncer, but were all bounced out. Nengimote father was a strict disciplinarian and who has warned her not to associate with any male as a result of her expulsion from her previous school due to the fact that she was caught red handed with Francis who was her boyfriend, in the act of Oral sex. The Principal Mrs. Joyeux Okofu expressed her utter disappointments at Nengimote who was among her favourite students in Columbus high school. The news of Nengimote cheer awkwardness dropped in the heart of her father like the Atomic bomb used in the Manhattan project by Einstein. Her father who was a lawyer and a judge couldn’t utter a word but gave Nengimote a beating that almost landed her in the hospital.

Growing up with just her father has been tough for her. Her mother was labeled a witch by a prophet which her father often visit to cleanse himself from every bad luck and evil that’s trying to plunge into his life. And so because of that labeling, her mother Mrs. Charity was sent packing. The last time she saw her mum was when she was being beaten and thrown out of the house. She couldn’t bear the sight and so she walked into her room crying in silence but all she could hear was her mother pleading and confessing her innocence. Mr. Charles Layefa who was a stunt believer in the prophet couldn’t believe her but sent her away with blows and kicking’s. It was a day not meant to be remembered but still would be remembered.

With memories still as fresh as that, Nengimote shielded herself from every male folks in her class. In her home there were new principles that her father wrote out on the western side of the family room and can also be found at the entrance door to the living room.

The 10 principles are:

1.       You must be at home as early as 6:00 pm.

2.       You mustn’t go out without an exit card and stating the reason of your leave.

3.       No male folks shall be allowed to visit this house apart from relatives.

4.       You must not have any male friend or even talk to any.

5.       Visiting hours for female friends shall be from 1:00 pm to 3:00pm.

6.       Mobile phones apart from mine shall never be allowed to be used in this house and if you have an assignment that requires you to browse, you shall make use of the desktop in the house. There will always be constant power

7.       Visiting female friends or any male folks is highly prohibited.

8.       The places you are allowed to visit shall be the church and the school.

9.       All eating and cooking shall end at 7:00pm.

10. Don’t talk to me when you felt like talking. Talk to me when it is necessary.

Each day she is meant to read out and watch her steps because according to Nengimote ‘I brought this upon myself’.

Tarila continued smiling as he walked home because he was totally sure he was going to get Nengimote to fall in love with him due to his high IQ.

Tarila wasn’t just a brilliant and intelligent student he was also gifted in the art of drawing and in the Athletic.  With his achievements in the school he was well aware that Nengimote must have heard of his exploits in the school. Kayode was Tarila’s best friend who is gifted in the art of convincing girls to fall in love with him and Tarilanknew that Kayode will gladly convince Nengimote on his behalf.

The next day during recess

Tarila walked up to Nengimote who was sitting under the mango tree reading a book titled ‘A tyrant called regret’, ‘Hi! Nengi, My name is Tarila and I do believe you must have heard of me’ Nengimote took a glance at Tarila and peered at the text she was reading again without uttering a word. ‘How are you doing?’ He asked again and still with Nengimote reading the book without saying a word or even looking at him. Tarila who was already in fright stood looking at her for a minute and then walked away with disdain at her attitude. ‘I might have not introduced myself very well and may have been too proud’, he said within himself. The sound of the bell could be heard ringing even as he reasons within himself.

He just couldn’t stopped staring at her and be stunned at her beauty during the afternoon classes and was even spotted by a teacher looking at Nengimote. ‘Why are you looking towards that way and is that the whiteboard? ’ asked the female inquisitive teacher who was held in high esteem for her disciplinary attitude. ‘I’m sorry ma’am I was just thinking about what you were saying’ lied Tarila. ‘That’s good’ said the Teacher who was glad that there is someone paying attention to her boring Chemistry class.

‘You’ll help me Kayode in convincing Nengimote, I know you’re good enough and that you’re in a better place to speak to her on my behalf’, Tarila pleaded with Kayode who was smiling that his ability is being recognized finally by Tarila. ‘Don’t be afraid or worry. You know me and that I can’t fail on this. I’ll gladly do it for you’, answered Kayode still smiling.

Nengimote getting home was perplexed as she was worried about her shattered social life and at her father’s sternness towards her. Of course she has heard about Tarila’s brilliancy and intelligence. She knows about Tarila but what will that add to her life she said within herself. And she knows that making friendship with a boy is becoming an Arch-Enemy to her father who has threatened to disown her if she breaks any of the principles. With the fear of being disowned by her father and thus ruining her education and maybe even her life, she steered off Tarila’s glances at her. ‘What do they want from a girl apart from relationship which will eventually end up after sex?’ she said to reassure herself. As the day passes by so did her distance from the male folks.

TWISTEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora