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Wash those clothes and after you’re through with that, mop the floor and then go to the market so that you’ll buy the necessary ingredients to prepare a dish for I and your father!!’, Nengimote new mother bellowed at her while she was sweeping the Terrace. Tears ran down her cheeks even as she recalls the thought of her mother who is now ill and bedridden for her pain and sorrow was great. Most times she wished her mum was around to cuddle her as she once did and the remembrance of this caused her to develop a deep hatred not only for her father but also for the real ‘ witch’ that stood beside her.

Her troubles became worse when her step-mum as she now calls her became pregnant and then gave birth. The troubles she faced was like the Christian’s teachings of the great tribulation and it was as though she was suffering from psychosis but her father was so busy with his new wife that he doesn't care to know the suffering his daughter is going through. Her suffering knew no bounds even as she became like a slave in her own father’s house and because she couldn’t stand the torture anymore, she suddenly lost consciousness of herself while trying to hand over a glass of water for her father who had earlier given her an historical beating for disobeying her step-mum when she ordered her to wash her baby’s diapers and her multitude of clothes.

Thoughts of the unknown and of the future streams down Tarila’s mind as he takes a walk pedestrian lane. And as though it was a planned event he suddenly met an old friend.

‘Baba Tari na wetin dey happen, dis one wen you dey just dey put hand for your jaw and you dey squeeze your face like fowl anus?’ Oluwole who was Tarila’s childhood friend finally asked him after they both sat on a bench on the side of the road meant for pedestrians. Oluwole was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lekon Yakubu who were also friends to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Layefa while they were living at Ijebu in Lagos state. Oluwole was the first son to the Yakubu’s but was sent out of the house due to his disobedient and wayward nature and while in high school he was expelled because of his involvement in a rape case. Mr. and Mrs. Yakubu who couldn’t bear the pain and constant disgrace which Oluwole invites to their door step disowned him. He has been rejected by parents and also by the society. Growing up on the streets had been tough for him but not until he met Romeo who transformed him socially and psychologically after introducing him to the Eiye confraternity. Since then he had been living in a mirage of wealth and flirting with ladies.

The Eiye confraternity generates its source of wealth from Kidnapping, Yahoo Yahoo (G+ or science) and through ritual sacrifice. Oluwole was greatly influenced after seeing the results of wealth it generates and was quick in agreeing to the terms of its policy. The initiation process was tough for him but according to him “it is worth it”, and from then life has been easier for him. It was while he was driving his G-wagon to visit his old boss that he met Tarila who was walking on the street in a boredom manner.

After engaging in pleasantries once again Tarila spoke out “Olu life has been tough for me ever since my father’s lost his job and now he and my mother are no more. I don’t know what to do anymore even as the WASSCE draws near”, Tarila said while bowing his head in tears. “Tarila don’t be worried, everything will be fine. That is how life is” Oluwole replied while tapping him gently on the back. “You can recall how my parents threw me out of their god forsaking house and how I was even sent out with nothing”, he said further “but was that not your fault?” Tarila fired back at Olu. “ Yeah! I knew it was my fault but what kind of parents will send their child away because of a little mistake?” said Olu in an annoying tone. “You might be right but as you’ re aware that not all parents can take that lightly” Tarila fired again. Olu who seems to be stressed out and who is now paying attention to his shoes said “It’s okay Tarila. Now let’ s talks about profitable and better things”

“There’s always a way out of poverty and that way can only be open if you want it to”Olu said while placing his hand on Tarila’s shoulder.

“What do you mean?” asked Tarila. Olu who was mesmerized by Tari’s question was taken aback and then said “You don’t know what I meant? ”, “Yes I don’t”“Okay. Tarila people are poor only because they choose to be and people with poverty mentality don’t seem to see any door of opportunity even when there is one because their brain has been wired to always think of poverty. Complaining about your Parents death and being in a state of mourning won’t solve anything except you’re ready to work” replied Oluwole. “Hmmm. Now I assimilate what you’re saying and so what should I do?” Olu smiled and was glad that Tari asked him that question. “As I said earlier that there is always a way out of poverty but you must be willing and ready to pay the price not considering the cost” said the happy Olu. “I was going to visit an old boss before I met you and I think this will be the perfect opportunity for you to be wealthy and forget about your sorrows. “ Wow! Take me there man and I’m so happy that I met you today” an excited Tari said. “You’re 24/7 welcome bro”

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The house was located at Lekki and was one of the best in the location. The house was well decorated and a stream of bougainvillea could be found at the entrance to the building.

The compound covers a wide area of land and a fountain could be found at the middle of the compound thus edifying the beauty of the entire building and on the Northern part of the land where the building is also located about five luxurious cars and while at the main parking lot, three cars can be seen. The entrance to the build was perfectly glazed with glass.

“Good day boss. It has been a longtime Sir” Olu saluted an elderly man whose chin seems to be lost in thick moustache and bears. He is a man of average height and whose countenance can petrify an individual and his stomach seems to bulge out as a result of his pot belly.

“Hey! My boy how’re you doing” replied the elderly man with a bass voice. “I’m perfect Sir. Sir I came to say thank you with some little cash because of all what you’ve done for me”said Olu handing a huge envelope to Baba Babayaro.

While the conversation was going on Tarila was totally in amazement and fascination and pondered on how an individual could amass such amount of wealth.

“Baba, not just that. Baba I would also love you to help this my little brother out even as you’ve helped me”Olu pleaded. “Olu I’m ready to help anyone as you know but the question is, is he ready to help himself?”

Turning to Tarila, Baba Babayaro asked him “I’m ready to help you but are you ready to help yourself?” and after pausing for half a minute Tarila said “Yes! Sir, yes sir! Please help me”after smiling and seeing the passion to make money on the face of Tarila Baba Babayaro said “That’s good boy. We’ll start tomorrow tonight”and with that they exchanged handshakes and then departed.

Excitement and joy was all over the face of Tarila that at last he can now be free from his poverty thinking as Oluwole said earlier. But what kept bothering him was why must the meeting be held at night and why was he being asked if he is ready to help himself as though there’s anyone in the world who wouldn’t help themselves if they can.

The night was so cold because it was the harmattan season. He was happy that by the next day his life is going to change dramatically and he can then have anything he desires to have and then sleep visited in joy.

“Tar…i..L.a Ta..ri..L….a! His mother’s voice echoed out his name in the cool of the night while she was at the kitchen and in fear he replied “Yes! Mum” rushing to the kitchen he met his mum with a knife and before he could be able to reason out what’s happening his mum stabbed herself with the knife and all what he could hear was “Why did you do this to me? Why Tari, why?

And then suddenly he woke up crying and perspiring. He couldn’t return back to bed anymore that night because whenever he tries to he sees the same picture all over again. The dream bothered him and became like a torment to him.

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