The Bad Roommate (JW)

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Amber Vega , Tori and Trina sister the middle child who Is Jade's girlfriend and Best friend is Beck Oliver and Someone posted a Embarrassing pic and it was totes embarrassing,  find out what happened here .

Amber's POV

I was walking downstairs holding hands with Jade and Went to Cat , Robbie and Beck and went next to them .

Hey you guys looking at the new PearMaps app? Jade asked Robbie and Beck .

Yeah, now you can zoom in from any angle. Robbie said while I looked .

Oh my God, that's where we eat lunch! Cat said acting dumb making me put on my headphone.

Yeah! The Pearmaps satellite must have taken this shot a few months ago. Robbie said while I was listening to music .

From space! Beck points Up .

Hi! Cat said to the sky .

Cat, we're inside. Jade said ruining her moment .

Omg is that y'all? I asked them while looking at the picture .

Oh my gosh, that is us! Robbie said shocked. 

Oh yeah, I'm wearing my red boots. Jade said seeing the boots .

Uh, can you zoom in tighter on Jade? Beck said to Robbie while he zoomed .

I think... a zooma-zoom zoom. Robbie zoomed the picture of Jade picking her nose angle  and I was shocked .

Um... Oh! Beck said while I back off of Jade.

No! Okay, no... I'm not...  Jade said to us while she looked at me .

Picking your nose? Cat asked Jade .

Cat! I was not, picking it. I was just scratching the outside of my nose, like this... Jade showed us while I was silent. 

I mean babe the angle kinda look like your actually pick- I was about to say picking but Jade cutted me off. 

Don't say it! Okay, nobody mentions this to anyone.  Jade said to me , Beck , Robbie and Cat .

We won't.  I said smiling. 

Promise. Robbie and Beck said to Jade .

You mean you picking your nose? Cat asked Jade repeatedly. 

Cat! Jade yelled at Cat .

Come on. Beck said to Cat .

Cat shut up . I said looking at her .

Shh! Robbie said while Jade got mad and Left me , Robbie , Beck and Cat .

I was scratching it. Jade said to Cat .

Right! Cat looked up and down while Jade walked off while Me , Robbie, Beck and Cat burst out laughing .

Jade looked at the four of us while we all stopped laughing and Jade walked off again .

- Time skips-

Trina , Tori and I was laying on the couch but Trina carried a stupid box with a fake trophy. 

Yeah. Trina celebrated making me get up seeing what she got .

What is that? Tori asked Trina .

My trophy. Trina asked while I shocked .

For what? My Mom  asked Trina while I smirked. 

Is it for annoying people because u won fair and Square . I said while Me and Tori laughed on that .

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