Chapter 1- Burger King

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You walk down the street and towards the Burger King, thinking about what happened that day. Why does everything have to happen to me?  You think spitefully. You had gotten some pretty terrible news that day, about how your mother had gotten a concussion and was in the hospital, and now you were going to drown your feelings in greasy burgers and low quality fries.

You walked inside, and took your order. "One burgers, please." You said to the kid working the counter. They nodded. "That'll be (??) dollars." You swiped your card and sat down at a table by a window, which had a poster blocking the view. Not like it was anything worth seeing. It was just a Burger King parking lot, probably with napkins and whatnot littered across the ground. 

A man, about a year older than you, with blonde hair and a beard walked up to you. "You seem kinda down." He said to you, and you replied (rather rudely) with, "What's there to be 'up' about? My mom's in the hospital and begging me to pay her bills.". The man laughed akwardly before asking if he could sit at your table with you. You nodded and he sat down in the seat across from you. 

"I'm Henry. I own the place down the road." He introduced himself. "I'm Y/N. I... don't own the place down the road." You joked, trying to ease the tension. Henry laughed a little. "I figured." He responded. A teenager walked up to your table and placed a tray with two burgers and some fries on it on the table. You thanked the worker and started eating. 

"You gonna save some for me?" Henry joked, and you looked down at your feet, a little ashamed at your greed. Henry seemed to notice because he said "Oh- I'm sorry- I can go order my own-" to which you replied, "No, no, it's fine." And handed him a burger. "It's okay- you can eat it-" Henry says, pushing the burger away. The both of you sit in silence for a few moments, before you take a pickle slice off the burger and throw it at Henry, giggling to yourself. "Wha- hey!" Henry says, laughing. "Eat the damn burger!" You near-shout, before throwing another pickle slice at him. "Fine, if it means you stop attacking me with food!" He says, wiping pickle slices off his glasses and out of his hair. You laugh and he takes the burger from you.

 "Why're you here? No sane or mentally okay person comes to Burger King for lunch." You say. "Eh. My daughter is being babysat by my friend, William, and I had nothing to do." Henry replies. "I see. Well, where do you work?" You ask, wanting to get to know Henry better. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. We're hiring, if you need a job." He says, and your face lights up. "I've been looking for a job, actually! I'm going back to college to get a degree in (wtv class) and I've been looking for a job!" You say to Henry, grateful for the job offer. "Well, I can give you an interview tomorrow. Maybe at 11? And then we could go for lunch?" He said the last part a little quieter, a shy smile growing on his face. "Sure! That's be awesome!" You reply, your face lighting up. 

You both finish eating, and you get up to leave, but Henry taps your shoulder. "Henry? You need something?" You ask, turning to face him. "Yeah- I was wondering where we were gonna go for lunch tomorrow-.." He replies, looking down at the floor as if embarrased to ask. "You choose! Tell me after my interview tomorrow." You said to him, trying to ease his nerve s with a reassuring smile.

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