ғɪɢʜᴛ ~ Robin x F!Y/n.

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Narrator's POV:
It was extremely common for Robin to fight, it was almost a daily thing. It seemed like every kid pissed Robin off, especially when those kids made comments about his girlfriend. Y/n.

So one morning when Moose thought it was great idea to make a snarky comment about Y/n.


The fight was brutal, it was almost painful to watch, some kids even had to step away from the fight, it was so bad.

Robin was forcefully ripped off of Moose by 3 of his friends,
"Robin! Robin! Chill dude!" One boy held Robin's arm tightly, knowing if he let go, he would strike again.

"YOU HIJO DE PUTA!" Robin struggled under his friends grasp, trying his hardest to launch back at Moose.

"Robin!" A voice called from a far, Robin recognized the voice and calmed down a bit.

"Move!" Robin watched his girlfriend push through the crowd, she froze when she saw the state of not only her boyfriend but knocked out Moose on the floor.

Robin's friends let him go, slightly backing away from him.

"Robin.." Y/n grabbed her boyfriends bloody hands and held them tight, causing him to wince a bit.

"Moosekeptonsayingyouwerereallyhotandhewantedtofu-" Robin's ramble got cut off by a kiss,
"Baby, chill out." Y/n tugged Robin away from the crowd,

Y/n calmly walked into the building, pulling her boyfriend behind her. The two then entered the nurses office, yet the nurse was no where to be seen.

"Mrs. Stacy?" Y/n called, but not response.

A soft sigh escaped the girls mouth as she realized she'd have to do this herself.

"Sit." She ordered, pointing towards an empty seat. Robin did as she said, sitting down on the cold chair. Y/n searched through the cabinets, grabbing a few cotton pads and rubbing alcohol.

"This might sting." A small portion of the rubbing alcohol was poured onto the cotton,

"That's smells nasty." Robin complained,

Y/n took the pad and held it up to Robin's face, pressing the pad onto robin's cuts.

"Ow! Ow.. ow." Robin winced, tightly clutching the arm Y/n was using to clean him, Robin groaned as Y/n coated each cut with the stingy, pungent cotton pad.

"Are you almost donee.." Robin whined,

Y/n threw the bloody cotton into the trash bin, "Patience babe," She reached into the small jar on the counter, pulling out a few bandaids.

Though Robin was injured, it wasn't serious, unlike moose who most definitely needed stitches.

Y/n carefully placed the latex bandaids onto Robin's tiny cuts.

"Finally.." Robin huffed,

"Ah, ah. I'm not done yet." Y/n threw away the bandaid wrappers. "Go wash your hands."

Robin glanced down at his hands only to find them beaten and bloody. "Righttt." The boy stood up and approached the sink, washing his hands.

With every pass of the soapy water Robin whimpered, the pain being worse than he imagined.

While Robin lathered and rinsed his hands, Y/n worked on locating bandages and goz.

"Better?" Robin stepped away from the sink, pink droplets of water dripping from his fingers. Y/n nodded, walking nicer to the boy as he sat back down.

"Hands out." Robin did as such, holding his hands out flat.

Y/n slowly patted Robin's hands dry with a paper towel, being careful to not hurt him. His hands weren't just bruised, they were swollen and cut up. His knuckles were painted with a ghoulish purple-red color.

The goz was placed on the boys knuckles, instantly soaking up free droplets of blood. Robin clammed his eyes shut, expecting the pressure of the bandages to hurt. But it didn't.

He opened his eyes, looking up at his girlfriend who was carefully wrapping his knuckles, being as gentle as possible.

Before he knew it she had finished, Robin quickly stood up, grabbing Y/n and pulling her into a tight hug.

"Thank you.." Robin smiled,

"Of course baby.." Y/n giggled, returning the hug.

~678 words~


☞ ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ. ☜ 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘗𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘴.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ