ᴄᴀʀɴɪᴠᴀʟ ~ ғ.ʙ

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Finney's POV:
"Come on Finn!" Y/n screeched, running towards some crazy looking ride.

"Y/n!" I freaked as she jerked me forwards.
Y/n continued to drag me towards the ride,

"Y/n.. this one is scary, I'm not gonna puke, right?" I felt my legs shake in fear,

"It's alright Finney! This ride is gonna be fun!" She slung her arm around my shoulder, slightly knocking me over.

"Alright- but if I puke! I'm gonna be angry!" I crossed my arms causing her to giggle.

"You'll be ok!" She smiled sweetly, giving me a small reassurance.

Not even 5 minutes later we got onto the ride, my legs felt like jello.

The ride began to go forward, I immediately grabbed Y/n's hand, shutting my eyes in fear.

Long story short, I puked. 😶

"Do not touch me!" Y/n moved away from me as I tried to grab her hand.

"Y/nnnn!" I cried, trying to get closer to my girlfriend.

"Nooo! Don't com near me with your puke infested shirt!" Y/n freaked, I frowned as we walked down the side walk, roughly 4 feet apart.

And about 10 minutes later we arrived home, Y/n immediately shoved me inside the house.
Rushing me upstairs and into the bathroom.

Y/n became my mom for about an hour, she cleaned me up perfectly, making sure to wash to clothes, washing my face, washing my teeth twice and making me drink so much water. 😭

"Can I be little spoon?" I asked, adjusting the new shirt Y/n got me.

"Sure baby.." Y/n smiled,

I jumped into the bed, like literally jumped.

Grasping onto multiple blankets.
"You dork." Y/n giggled as she got into bed next to me.

~372 words~

Bro I am so sorry I haven't been uploading, I have no ideas on what to write, hence why this page was so sloppy and stupid. If you guys could leave like ideas or anything, that'd be awesome.

I've also been kinda involved in school so I haven't found the time to write anything, I love you guys so much; thank you for being patient with me. ❤️

☞ ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ. ☜ 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘗𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘴.Where stories live. Discover now