An Awkward Day

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Have you ever asked yourself why it's so hard to find somebody to love? Somebody to be loved by? I feel like I ask myself that question every day, over and over. I'm 23 years old, and sure I've gone on dates. Countless dates, in fact. But I have never managed to be in a good relationship with anybody. Every date I've gone on has ended horribly, so I stopped trying. I decided to just let go, let things happen on their own. Besides; maybe I was just looking in the wrong places and asking the wrong people. It's about time I let somebody find me and ask me on a date. I have too many things to worry about in my life, and dating shouldn't be on the list.

I took a large bottle out of my fridge and started to shake it. The bottle was full of coffee, already mixed with creamer and caramel. I didn't even bother to get a cup for it, just drank straight from the bottle. I'm the only one who lives here anyway, nobody can judge me in my own house. I carried the bottle with me, walking around in nothing but light purple panties and an oversized Linkin Park shirt. The floor was cold on my bare feet, helping me wake up faster. I headed to my bedroom and turned on some music, letting it play loud as I got things ready for a shower. My incense sticks were sitting on my dresser, organized almost too perfectly. I skimmed over them and tried to decide which scent I should light.

"Hmm.. sandalwood, patchouli, sage.. I think I'll go with sandalwood today. Can never go wrong with that." I mumbled to myself as I got my incense burner out and placed a sandalwood stick in it. As I lit the incense I heard my doorbell ring.

"Ugh, of course. Right when I'm getting ready. If this is Spectrum again I am going to lose my absolute shit."

I turned my music down a bit before heading to the living room where the front door was. In a rush to not look so horrid, I put my hair up in a ponytail. I opened the front door to see my bosses boss (Elliot, AKA Mr. Sabash) standing there. Now, try to picture the shade of pink my face turned when I saw him. Or, when I realized that he sees me in my shirt and panties.

He seemed just as flustered as I was, wide eyed as he cleared his throat. He kept redirecting his eyes away from me, although it seemed hard for him to keep them looking away.

"Ms. Morrin, erm.." he cleared his throat again. "My apologies, I didn't mean to catch you like this. Uhm, there's been a situation at work. I tried calling and emailing but didn't get a response, so I--" I cut him off, already knowing that he was asking if I could come in on my day off.

"Yeah, I can come in. And, heh, yeah I'm sorry I answered like this. As for the missed phone calls and such, my phone is plugged up and I haven't been on my computer. I was actually about to shower. I can head to work after getting all showered and dressed." I had slightly shut the door now, only letting my head peek out.

"No worries, it's your day off so I shouldn't expect an immediate response. Take your time getting ready, just let me know when you're on your way." Mr. Sabash still wasn't looking at me. Well, mostly-- I saw his eyes occasionally glance in my direction.

"Will do. Thank you. Er, see you soon. And, please don't tell anyone that you--"

"I won't, don't worry. Nobody needs to know about it. I'll be on my way now. See you soon."

I nodded at him before shutting my door. Embarrassment flooded over me, making my entire body feel overwhelmingly warm. I started to walk away when I saw Mr. Sabash glance at me for a second through the window. He quickly headed to his car with his briefcase, while I rushed over to my bedroom.

I'm gonna kill him if he tells a single soul about this. He'll be sorry. I swear on it. I really need to put pants on next time, or shorts, SOMETHING.

I gathered a nice outfit (black "mom jeans" with extra pockets, and a plain white button up) and went to the bathroom for my shower. When I got undressed and stepped into the comfort of the water, so many thoughts flooded my head.

I hope work isn't super awkward now. I've always thought Mr. Sabash was cute, not to mention he has such a kind and gentle soul. Him and I get along really well, but for him to see me half naked is embarrassing. God, what have I done?

I scrubbed my face with facewash, trying to clear my stupid brain. It didn't help at all, to say the least. My body feels more relaxed, thanks to the warm water, but the rest of me is still on edge. Of course my luck in life is this bad and awkward. Maybe he'll forget what he saw, or maybe he didn't even see my panties. I mean, I was only able to slightly see them whenever I looked down at myself earlier. What if he was just flustered because I clearly didn't have pants on? I think I'm just overthinking.

Mr. Sabash has always been so attractive to me. Medium black hair, not long enough to put in a ponytail or braid, but long enough to fall in front of his eyes and long enough to slick back or style. Tall. Not 6ft, but probably close to it. And I'm pretty short in my opinion; like, 5ft. So when he's in front of me, I have to look up to see his face. Some of the veins on his hands bulge, but not in an extreme way. He's fairly muscular, but has some chub and he owns it. He always makes it a point to people that nobody is perfect, and you don't need to be fit to be attractive or friendly and so on. It makes him even cuter. But I'm just out of his league.

I got out of the shower and dried off before quickly getting dressed. I looked in the mirror and brushed my long, dark hair. It used to be dyed red, but I went with black to appear more professional when I was job searching. It ended up sticking with me. I left my hair down, but kept a couple ponytail bands with me. After fiddling with my hair, I brushed my teeth and then headed to my room to put on socks and shoes. I wore non-slip, plain, black shoes. All my other pairs wouldn't be okay to wear at work. Now, I just need to mentally prepare myself to be around Mr. Sabash. I'm not ready, but I need to go. I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door.


I opened the door to the building I work in, which is an art store called "Art (B)Rush". We sell almost everything imaginable that an artist would need, and also sell finished artwork. Some of the art here is even made by me, as well as other coworkers. It's always nice when my art sells; I never thought I'd get to a point in my life where people would be interested in the things I create, but here I am!

I walked through the store and headed to the breakroom so I could put my bag and snacks away. As I walked in, I took a deep breath, still flustered about what had happened earlier. (Okay, flustered is probably an understatement). I put my bag in a medium sized locker and put my snacks in with it, then locked it. I stuffed my phone and wallet in my back pockets and heard the door creak open.

Just my luck..

You can take a guess of who entered the room.

My cheeks got so warm, you'd think somebody held a flame to them. Then it was my entire body that felt warm. I cleared my throat and stared at the ground.

"Mr. Sabash.." I nodded at him before starting to walk to the door so I could leave, but he put his hand out to stop me.

"Wait.. Lillith, I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I know you must've been very embarrassed, and while it was neither of our faults, I can't help but feel the need to make it up to you. Let you a coffee or something?"

I glanced up at him, but when I did, he quickly looked away.

"I really appreciate the offer, but I'm okay. Really, it's fine. Don't worry about me, okay? Let's just forget about it.." I gently pushed his arm down, then opened the door and left.

He wants to get me coffee..? Wouldn't that just make things even more awkward?

I shook my head while walking away, trying to clear my head. I didn't need to think about it anymore-- it would only make working harder for me, and they want me to close tonight. I just need to focus on finishing up the day and getting home.

But the day only got more interesting..

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