Good Morning

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The morning greeted me, the sunlight peeking through my window into my room. It was beautiful. My whole body stretched out onto my bed before I sat up. Elliot wasn't in my room, so I'm guessing that he went to sleep on the couch last night.

I got out of bed and wandered down the hall and to the kitchen, where Elliot was standing. His shirt was off and he was cooking, and my god he looked good.

"Good morning." I said with a yawn, leaning onto the counter.

"Oh, good morning!" Elliot turned back to smile at me. "I hope you like hashbrowns and pancakes."

"I do, lucky you. You didn't have to cook, yaknow? I could've done it." I laid my upper body on the counter.

"Oh shush, you had a rough night. Let me help. There's some coffee made for you." Elliot pointed at a mug near me.

I grabbed the mug, and it was hot. He must've gone to the store to get food and coffee. I took a small sip and it was delicious.

"Thank you.." I said quietly.

Elliot stopped what he was doing to turn toward me.

"I don't mind cooking, I really enjoy it."

"No, I mean.. for last night. Thank you for cooking, yes, but also for helping me calm down and sleep."

Elliot just smiled faintly before continuing to cook. He turned the stove off and got the food put onto plates. He set one in front of me and leaned close.

"You don't need to say thank you. I'd do it again, for you.." He grabbed me and gave me a hug.

His hug was so firm and made me feel safe. Protected. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. His skin felt so warm against my face. I took it all in. He brought his hand up to my hair like he did last night and played with it.

I got that feeling in my chest, a good feeling. Everything felt tingly and warm. My temperature was rising. He makes me feel okay, for once. It's nice. I don't think I ever want to stop feeling this way.

I let go of Elliot and gave him an awkward smile. He smiled back before walking to the living room with his food. I joined him and we ate together, again. When Elliot was done he stood up and stretched. He walked past me, patting me on the head, and brought his plate to the kitchen sink.

I finished up the last bit of my food and followed Elliot to the kitchen. I started doing the dishes, which thankfully there wasn't much of.

"I've gotta head out to work." Elliot said, sipping his coffee as he leaned against the counter.

"Okay," I responded. "Feel free to shower if you want to, I don't mind."

"Thank you. I'll probably just shower when I go home later. But I appreciate it!"

I nodded, finishing up the dishes and then washing my hands. I dried them with paper towels and leaned on the counter next to Elliot. He looked down at me with a small smile.

"I'm gonna get dressed real quick," he said quietly. "And then I'll be out of your hair." He winked at me before walking away.

I almost don't want him to get his shirt on. I almost don't want him to leave. But I can't tell him that, so I just nodded.

I sat down in the living room again and got lost in my thoughts. My mind has been racing since last night, and they're not necessarily negative thoughts either. I wonder what would've happened if I had kissed him last night..

Elliot came back from wherever he went (probably the bathroom) all nice and dressed. He gave me a big smile and grabbed his stuff before walking to the front door. I got up and followed him.

"I'll walk you out." I said as I opened the door for him.

"Why thank you!" Elliot headed towards his car after stepping outside.

I walked with him and he opened his car door and then turned to look at me.

"Thank you for having me over." Elliot reached for my hand.

"Of course, any time." I squeezed his hand a little.

"Any time?" He pulled me close to him and made me wrap my arms around his waist.

I gulped so hard he could probably hear it. I felt hot everywhere, but I liked it.

"Y-Yeah, any time.." I stammered, looking away from him. To my surprise, he grabbed my face and made me look at him. His hands were so gentle. I wondered what else they could do, where they could go..

He leaned in, his face so close to mine our lips were almost touching. He looked directly into my eyes. He looked hungry for something. I couldn't look away, it felt like his eyes were sucking me in.

"Have a good day, Lillith," Elliot whispered without breaking eye contact. He got in his car and shut the door, waving bye to me.

I was so flustered I didn't even know what to do, so I just stood there for a bit. What just happened? Is he teasing me? Am I catching feelings for somebody that I work for? God, I'm getting myself into a huge mess.

I ran into my apartment and shut the door behind me. My heartbeat radiated through my body as I paced around. Things are not going the way I thought they would in life. It's not a bad thing, but is it really a good thing? I guess we'll find out.

I laid down on the couch, thinking about everything that's happened within the last couple of days. I went from being so lonely and by myself all the time to having somebody I work for stay the night at my house and almost kiss me. I fell asleep, thinking about Elliot.

The dream I had was short but interesting, to say the least. All I could imagine was Elliot kissing me, grabbing me, holding me. I think it would feel nice, but I don't even know if any of that will ever happen.

When I woke up I was tingly again, just at the thought of Elliot. I checked what time it was and realized I had already been napping for close to three hours.

"Shit, I didn't mean to nap that long. Now it's already time for dinner ughhh.." I slumped my body up into a sitting position and yawned before getting up.

I headed to my bedroom and got dressed into a black sweater and some black jeans. I look pretty cute in simple outfits, if I do say so myself. I did some simple makeup (a little bit of black eye shadow and mascara) and then grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys.

My phone vibrated while I was walking to the front door, so I looked at it to see what it was. Just my luck, it was my ex. I've blocked him on just about everything, and he still finds a way to get in contact with me. It's super irritating.

I opened the message and read it to myself.

"Hey, beautiful. Up to anything fun today? 😉" I rolled my eyes with disgust.

"Leave me alone, asshole. Wasn't me blocking you on everything enough of a sign for you?" I texted back before shoving my phone into my back pocket. This guy is absolutely ridiculous.

I left my apartment, locking the front door behind me, then walked to my car and got in. I shut the door-- well, I guess it was more of a slam. I'm pissed. Every time things in my life start to feel good again, this jerk comes into it. But whatever, I shouldn't waste any time thinking about him.

I started driving and went to one of my favorite restaurants, which sells Thai food. Can't say no to good food when you have a hungry stomach. I parked in the parking lot and got out, locking my car as I walked to the doors of the restaurant.

A couple of very nice servers greeted me, bringing me to my seat and handing me a menu. I thanked them and let them know that I already knew what I wanted (Pad Kee Mao and a Thai tea). They took my order and walked away, letting me know it would be ready soon.

You'll never believe who I saw walk into the building..

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