A Bath & A Package

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I went to the bathroom and started the water, making sure it's nice and warm. Okay, maybe closer to hot, but I call that warm. I poured rose scented bubble bath liquid in the tub, and plugged the drain. As the tub slowly filled, I went to my room and got out some fluffy pants and and old, worn out band shirt.

I brought some incense into the bathroom and lit it; maybe if I cleanse, myself things will get better.  I didn't even care about music right now. I honestly just wanted to sit in complete silence and relax.

The bath was a little more than halfway full, so I still had a small amount of time to spare. I decided to use that time to make my bed and get all of my stuffed animals set up nicely. Once I was done, my bath was ready.

I brushed my hair out before putting it up in a bun. I was too lazy to have to dry it all out after my bath. Not to mention, I had already washed it today anyway. I got undressed and slipped into the bath.

"Ah, that's nice." I let out a little sigh.

I turned off the faucet to the bath as the thoughts in my head started to flood. My brain, being negative as usual, just loves to run when I'm trying to wind down for the day or night. It's super frustrating. I felt the tears start to pour out of my eyes faster than the bath had filled with water, and I just let it happen. Clearly I needed to cry. I couldn't stop it from happening.

I bit my lip and laid my head back as my emotions overwhelmed me. I just cried for a bit, wondering why things like this always happen to me. Why good things always end up this way. It's almost as if I can't avoid bad events. It's the most irritating thing ever, and I have nobody to talk to about it. It isn't fair..

I heard a knock at my door and glanced at the small clock on the wall.


I decided that it's probably just a package arriving late or something. Whatever it is, it's not worth getting out of the bath. This is one of the few things I have to help me calm down and I don't need anything interrupting that for me. No, thank you.

I sunk part of my head under the bath water. I stayed like that for a small moment, listening to the silly sounds of having my ears under the water. It made me feel better. It was kind of soothing. But I couldn't stay like that forever, or my ears start to hurt. I sat up, lifting my arms out of the tub and stretching them. The air gave me goosebumps, and it almost felt nice.

After a bit, the water wasn't warm enough anymore and my fingers looked like raisins. It was time to get out of the bath. I unplugged the drain of the tub and got out the water. My yellow towel was sitting on the small table I kept against the wall by the tub, so I grabbed it and dried my body off before getting dressed.

I wiped the bathroom mirror off with my towel when I was done, and stared at myself for a minute. I thought about how I need to stop being so hard on myself. It doesn't help anybody, it doesn't do me any good. I shouldn't beat myself up for things that are out of my control. I took my hair out of a bun and brushed it yet again. It tangles so easily.

I turned the bathroom light off and put a hoodie on over my shirt for comfort. Then I went to the living room and turned the heat on, along with the TV. I put on cartoon network, because the adult shows were about ready to play. I let out a big yawn while I stretched, and remembered there had been a knock at the door earlier.

I went to get the package and mail, opening the front door. Only the package I got isn't what I was expecting.

"Hey.." Elliot said quietly. He had been sitting outside this whole time.

"W-What's up?" I said, stuttering a bit while I avoided eye contact.

"Um, when I was getting ready to get in my car, Beth--"

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