1.3 - Labrat

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I opened my eyes and saw the beautiful night sky, and I was in total peace until heard voices "hey, she's waking up!" And all of the sudden there was two people gathering around me and asking me questions. "Are you alright?" "What happened here?".
They helped me sit up and gave me a bottle of water.
"Where am I?" I asked and took a sip of the water. The men looked at each other and answered "you're in the middle of a field"

"Sure, but what planet?" I asked and laid a hand on my head that was really hurting. With a questioning face he answered "earth?".
I then stood up on my weak legs and started to walk away.

"Wait!" The man yelled after me and started to run towards me. "I got no time, I must figure a way back" I explained and did not stop, neither did the man.

"Could you at least explain this?" He said and showed me a picture he had drawn. "Yes" I just simply said.

"Yes, as you can explain?"

"Yes as in I can, not that I will" I said and he grabbed my arm so I came to a still. "Look, you just came here from nowhere and this pattern is all over the field around you" he said and pointed at the pattern before he kept on talking "you don't have to tell me, but just a few seconds ago you were unconscious, so you are going to let one of my medical team examine you before you go"

"Please, I'm not a kid, what happened did not hurt me, I'm not that easily bruised" I said with a smile on my lips.

"Well, you do look like a kid" he answered.
"Sure, but I can assure you that I know more than you do"

"That's not the question right now, you need medical service and I need some answers" he said and smiled at me. "Sure, but only because I saw that you had food, and I'm starving" I said and we started to walk back. "I'm Howard Stark by the way" the man said and reached his hand out. "Liv" I answered and shook it back. "No last name?" He asked and I just looked down on the ground "nah, I don't think so anymore"

"Liv?" I heard Tony ask and I snap back to reality. My eyes opened slowly and I saw Tony's face. "What happened?" I asked "you passed out so I took you to the hospital" he said and I instantly felt awake and sat up in a flash. "No, not the hospital" I said and started to scout the room for my original clothing. I got up and started to get change. "Do you mind?" I asked and Tony turned around as I got dressed. "Why not the hospital? I really don't think we should leave before you are all good" Tony said worried. "I just don't like hospitals, and I'm feeling top notch, I don't bruise that easily" and I got a bit chilly feeling as I remembered my dream I just had, where I said the exact same thing. I also remember Mr. Sarks file about me, where it said that I was found in a field. I don't know if my mind is making all of this up as I found out a few things, or if it's indeed the real deal...
A noice came from the door and someone was coming in. I ran to the window to make an escape but Tony took my hand and made me stay put. I looked angry at him and saw the control he hand in his other hand. "You buzzed them in?" I whispered angry. "I'm sorry, but fainting like that is not something that just happens. I froze as I saw the doctor, it was the same doctor that was here last time, the time I woke up from the coma. This can't be happening, what if he remembers me.

"It says here in the forms that someone has fainted and suffers from a concussion" the doctor says as entering the room looking at the document. "Yes" Tony answered for me. He finally looked up from the forms and his face got all neutral as he saw me. "You" he said and pointed. "What?" I said, acting as if I didn't know him. "Oh, nothing, I must be mistaking" he said but kept on looking at me, he looked nervous.

"I'm just going to make some tests and if everything comes of good you will be free to go" the doctor says without looking at either one of us. "That sounds great doc, right Liv?" Tony said and pulled me towards the hospital bed. I didn't answer and just nodded my head instead. The fact that the doctor was so nervous made me nervous. What if I can get in trouble for just running out from the hospital, I didn't pay or anything. Or even worse, what if they think the same as mr. Stark, that they knew Liv from the past and believes that I'm her. What if they think I can time travel or maybe can't age, I don't even wanna know what they would do to me then. Probably lock me up and do test on me, like a lab rat...

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