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"Hello, class. My name is Alaric Saltzman. Say that, class A-lar-ic, Saltz-man." He says.

Oh god no.

He's a hunter, of course he is. You can see his immortality ring glinting in the sun.

Also, this boy who looks as if he's Katherine's brother, pays special attention, admiring his every move.

Then there's Katherine, eying him. For all I know maybe she has a school girl crush on the teacher. Katherine, the vampire slu*.


So after history, where the hunter and Stefan have a debate over what happened when, Caroline walks straight toward me.

"Kolybear!" She squeals, biting her lip. "Guess what?'' " I don't know, darling, you tell me" I say, smirking.

"Ok, first of all, I am in LOVE with your accent. It's sexy... Second, the school dance..." She shoves the poster in my face '' Its coming up soon..." She says, glumly, waiting for something.

"Caroline, you would do me the favor of accompanying me to the dance?" I ask. It's the best I can do. I mean, this is my chance to really get to know her, to decide whether I'm falling for her or not.

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