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It is finally seven, and Caroline to meet at the parking lot.

The theme for the dance is the 50's so basically every girl is wearing a poodle skirt and every guy nerd glasses.

I chose to wear the classic black leather jacket with my hair combed back messily.

Or should I say sexily...

Anyways, there she is, Caroline just arrived.

She looks so beautiful, in a flowery poodle skirt ("BIG" surprise) and her hair curled into perfect barrels.

"Cool outfit!" She says, biting her lip and smirking. "Sexy..."

I run my hands through my hair. "I know."

So I did what was the only thing to do, I grabbed her hand, and we slowly walked into the gym as everybody stared at us.

The song playing was Everybody Loves Me by One Republic, and it felt like the most perfect song at the moment.

We are so going to win King and Queen.

I practically had to drag her to the dance floor, she was to busy eying the crowns to listen to me.

"We HAVE to win those. We HAVE too." She said with a serious look on her face like she was giving out a death threat.

"Ok, Caroline, I've already killed the other candidates so we'll win by default!" I said, smiling and rubbing my stomach.

"And I've rigged the ballots so you two are sure to win!" Damon said.

Damon Salvatore, my best friend. God we are more like brothers than he is to Stefan and I am to Klaus. We have a special club called Team Badass, where we try to tease all the idiot we can while being as sexy as possible.

"What's up, bro?'' I ask him. "Not much, just chaperoning to make sure Elena doesn't get in trouble."

Elena. Of course Elena, it's the only thing on his mind since he met her the night her parents died.

Luckily, I've skipped town until Klaus found me. Ugh. Klaus.

"Excuse me? May I get your attention, please? It is time to announce the winners of the dance King and Queen. And your winners are..... Kol Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes!"

You might think this is just a win, but Caroline promised me something special if we win.

So to make it short and spare you from the sexy scene, we went home, we had sex, and we lived happily ever after.... Until tomorrow...


Authors note

If you're reading this'd I want you to comment suggestions and things you want more and like. Thank you and ily


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