Murder Part Two

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I wonder why she left the house. Was she following me? By her expression I thought she couldn't care less. But time keeps passing on.

I don't know what to do. Should I leave her there? Take her to the hospital? No, human doctors would not know how to cure this. My bets are on vervain. Or worse.


Just maybe.

Someone has turned her.


I am walking across the beach, holding hands with an unknown man. He turns to face me. I don't recognize him at first, but he seems familiar.

His dark brown hair lighter in the sun than usual, his heavy eyebrows higher.

He seems tense, I don't know why though. His name slips through my mouth before I know it myself.


He seems tired now. His worry had faded away with the sun.

It is dark now, and the wind starts blowing more than I have ever witnessed in my entire life.

Then, his eyes redden. He has these strange veins under them, and I try so hard to scream. But I can't.

Something inside me, its been unleashed.

I sense someone behind me, and when I turn around, my head hurts.

So much, that I feel a prick, and a snap, then everything went blurry.


What do you think happened to Caroline? Comment in the comments.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2013 ⏰

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