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Okay so some of you may think that they only reason I've been cutting is because of my job. That's not true. I used to look in my mirror and think that I looked ugly. I though that I looked so skinny it looked retarded. In high school, someone told me that I looked like a toothpick. I was teased behind my back in elementary school because I had to take a speech class because I had difficulty pronouncing my R's and I had to take a class for poor comprehension.

I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was nine, though I still think that I was misdiagnosed and am actually bipolar. I was failing almost every subject in sixth grade.

Middle school I didn't get bullied, I did get bullied again my junior year in high school because I was afraid of something called the gluten ham. It was an exercise equipment that we used in my Strength training class. I got called a bitch because I was afraid of it. I don't think that they used the word correctly though. Words still hurt.

Also, it's not always my job, it's when people are rude to me there or get mad at me and blame me for something that wasn't even my fault. I don't say anything and that is why I cut, because I don't say anything. I don't take out my anger on them, instead I take it out on myself.

Sometimes I get depressed for several days straight, even if I do have off of work. Please, if anyone out they reading this has bipolar, please let me know if it sound like I have it as well.

I started self harming when I was probably around 14 or so. I started punching my wall and once made four of knuckles bleed. I was having suicidal thought when I was probably in elementary school. I tried to break my foot by slamming my amp down on it, so I wouldn't have to participate in Strength Training. I started punching my arms when I was 17 and shortly after I started cutting.

I would like to say thanks to anyone who actually finished reading this.

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