On The Run

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Carlos and the others: *Wakes up*

Carlos: "Guys, we must leave early because the Arbiterk could be after us!"

Audrey: "Carlos, you worry too much, he's not going to after us today!"

*A Strange portal appears in the house*

*A Blue Ranger Pops out*

Blue Ranger: "Are you the power Rangers?"

Carlos: "No!"

Blue Ranger: "Well, I need to speak with your world Zordon"

Mal: "Who is Zordon?"

Megaforce Red Ranger: "We don't know Zordon but we have Gosei"

Evie: "Hello?"

Jay: "Can you guys tell us?"


Megaforce Red Ranger: " You guys have been chosen to be Rangers. Here are your power coins"

*Mal, Jay, Jaleah, Evie, Carlos, and Lonnie each take one"

Red Megaforce Ranger: "Mal, you are the Purple Ranger, Fierce and Dangerous."

Blue Megaforce Ranger: " Jay, you are the Black Ranger, Unstoppable and Destructive"

Pink Megaforce Ranger: " Lonnie, you are the Pink Ranger, Careful and Fast."

Yellow Megaforce Ranger: "Jaleah, you are the Yellow Ranger, Fierce and Loveable"

Black Megaforce Ranger: "Carlos, you are the Green/White Ranger, Fast and Smart"

Silver Megaforce Ranger: "Evie, you are the Blue  Megaforce Ranger

Mal: "So who's the leader?"

Pink Megaforce Ranger: "The Red Ranger is the leader but since he's dead then the Green Ranger is the leader"

Carlos: "What?"

*To Be Continued...*

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