Dark Beginnings Pt.1

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At Auradon Prep, in the dorm, Carlos wakes up.

Carlos wakes up and looks at Mal sleeping peacefully and kisses her cheek before saying, "My beautiful wife, wake up."

Mal giggles in her sleep, which has never happened much. She gets up and pecks  Carlos on the lips and says, "Hey handsome, how did you sleep?"

Carlos smiles. "Amazing"

Mal smiles and giggles. "That's good, I'm glad we're finally married now!"

Carlos looks at her and pulls her closer. "Me too, but we still have to wait to have kids since I'm still 14"

Mal looks a little upset but smiles nevertheless. "Fine"

Evie and Jay walk in

Evie runs to Mal and Carlos in a hurry, along with Jay. "Mal, Your mom is back and she brought Cruella from the dead, along with my mom and Jay's dad.

Outside, they run onto the bridge and see their parents on the other side looking at them.

Carlos looks shocked and Mal looks upset before Carlos speaks, "So what do we do?"

Mal stays quiet.

Carlos touches Mal. "Mal, what do we do?"

"We join them."

Carlos is shocked by her words, along with Evie and Jay. "What?! You can't seriously expect us to just turn to the evil side and join them, Mal!"

Mal wraps her arms around Carlos, "Baby, just trust me, please"

"How can I? Your mother brought my mother from the grave and you wanna join them?"

Mal looks at him with a sad pouty face, "Please baby, we can't fight them like this. If we turn evil like them, we can gain their trust and then when they least expect it, we fight them."

Carlos thinks about it. "Fine but I won't like it"

They tell the plan to Evie and Jay and they all agree before acting evil. They walk to their parents.

Mal speaks with a malicious tone, "Hey Mom, miss me?"

Jay looks at his father evilly, "Hey Dad, I stole some more gold for you."

Evie strides up to her mother, "Hey Mommy, I couldn't find any princes"

Carlos just hugs his Mom without saying anything, knowing that she is still the same person who doesn't care about her son.

On the Isle, in the hideout, Carlos and Mal are sitting next to each other.

Maleficent glares at Carlos and asks Mal, "Mal, why are you sitting next to that mutt?"

Mal has Carlos's head in her lap, playing with his hair. "Well Mom, me and the mutt have been getting along and we have our plan, just me and him."

Evil Queen smirks, "Tell us then since you're so smart."

Mal snaps, "How about you shut the fu-" She stops mid-sentence as Carlos holds her hand. She gently snatches her hand away from him, "Ugh, get away from me, you mutt!"

Carlos smirks and pulls her closer, "Do you mean that?"

Mal smiles evilly and kisses him in front of everybody else, "Oh Mom, Me and the mutt are dating. He's too cute"

After they finish planning, they all go to bed.

*A/N: Sorry I waited for this late, The Computer is acting crazy and I got too caught up in some business.

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