Chapter Three

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"WHAT?!" Tommy screamed into your ear. "Erm, we'll you heard me, I want to join the MCC!" Tubbo and Wilbur share surprised looks with each other. What? Do they think I can't play Minecraft? What bitches. They are mostly right though. "Well, there's only 5 weeks until championships and you don't even know how to mine a wooden block." You nudged Tommy's arm harshly. "Hey! That's offensive." You teased. "If you don't want to teach her, I can. I would be glad to." Wilbur said, giving a kind warm smile. You pause for a moment before agreeing. You felt odd, you felt like something Wilbur said or did made you feel...Love. Your stomach was filled with butterflies and you were as red as a tomato.

Tubbo tapped your shoulder gently, not to disturb your thoughts because it was very clear that you were thinking.

You look over to him and remember that you were supposed to answer Wilbur. "Oh! Haha, sorry. Sure you can teach me! I- I'd love to have you as my...teacher." You say, stuttering with almost every word that came out of your mouth. "You alright Y/N? You seem..nervous?" Wilbur tried to understand how you were feeling to make this less awkward. "Oh I'm fine I just zoned out for a bit I guess." You lie.
Damn it.
I hate lying.
Especially to Wilbur.
"We can get you started playing Minecraft, where's your setup?" Tommy says, trying to get back on topic. "It's in my room? Behind you."

You giggle. Tommy gave himself a fist palm. "I- I knew that!" You already had a setup because you actually to stream as well. You don't play Minecraft though. Mostly you play shooting games, or games that don't involve blocks and beating dragons. Wilbur sat still, not moving much, still beside you. You look directly in his eyes, they sparkle with light and pure joy it seems like. He looks down at you immediately and sees you. Staring at him. "Whatcha lookin' at there, princess?" You blush at the name but quickly switch emotions to make a straight face, knowing he doesn't mean it how you want him to mean it.

"U- Uh nothing! Just..the wall?" Wilbur raised a brow. "Odd to blush at a wall now, is it not?" He teased you, giggling. Tommy started to talk to you to get you back on topic, which annoyed Wilbur. He liked to tease you. Mess with your feelings. Tubbo looked at you and mouthed: Be aware of him. You nod, knowing well that he doesn't like you. Then you started to get back on track. You get your PC all ready for tomorrow, opening every tab you needed open, you fixed up your station to look nice, neat, and tidy.

You are finally finished and it's really late so Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo leave for the night and tomorrow was your first day of training with Tom Simons and Wilbur Gold. Tubbo couldn't teach you because he was out going on a trip to meet up with Ranboo for the millionth time these past couple years. You were to excited to sleep so you feel asleep listening to your favorite artist,
Wilbur Soot.

"Hey, beautiful." Wilbur x Reader Where stories live. Discover now