Chapter Four

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You wake up, still with your playlist of Wilbur and Lovejoy running, Perfume by Lovejoy was playing. One of your favorite songs. You take your earbuds out and have the song playing while you get ready when you receive a text message from Tommy.
'Hey Y/N? What time will you be ready for our training session? I don't have much time because I have to get on a stream with Tubbo and Ranboo when Tubbo arrives from his flight.'

  You sigh since you don't even have your clothes on. 'Emm, maybe around 30 minutes to an hour? At least.' You reply, and immediately start to get ready and since you rushed so much, it only took you 20 minutes to get all ready and set since you already have all your "Gaming" tabs open. You message Tommy that you were ready right after you sat down in your very comfortable gaming chair and wait for his response. A few minutes later he reply's and says to get on Discord where he and Wilbur will teach you the basics.

You have the tab open so you just refresh to see if anything changed. Odd. Wilbur isn't online but he sent a message. You click on his profile and see his message on the screen, it was sort of a long message too. Not sure why though. You don't bother about it and start to read it. 'Y/N, I don't know when you'll read this but just to put this out ther-..' You were about to finish the message until Tommy called you. Dang. I must've been reading this for a while. You think to yourself then accept the call. "Hey Tommy!" You say excited to see him.

  "Where's Wilbur?" Tommy gave a strange look. "Ehh, he's uhm, doing something right now, I'll let you know when he's available." You nod and smile even though you were actually upset about not seeing him. Wait. I'm upset for not seeing him? Oh no. The butterflies start again when you think of his brown curls and his beautiful smile, you think you've zoned out for a while cause you hear Tommy screaming at you. "Ack! Sorry, I was thinking." You say trying to get back to the conversation. Tommy sighs and nods. "You do think a lot, what's up in there?" He says.

"You know you can tell me anything." Tommy was your best friend after all so you do eventually tell him. "Well, it's about Wilbur. I think I might like him." After you said that Wilbur joins the call. You gasp and turn your camera off, thinking you don't look presentable to him. Tommy smirked. "Hey Wilbur! Perfect timing." He says with a smirky accent. "Uhm, hey Tommy. Is Y/N in the call with you? I need to talk to her. It's important." You reply. "Yeah, I'm here." You say, a bit of worry in your voice. Tommy sighs. "I have to go, I need to join the call with Tubbo and Ranboo." You and Wilbur agree at the same time. It made you giggle a bit. After Tommy leaves, Wilbur turned serious.

"Listen Y/N. There's something I need you to clarify to me and something I need to know. He said, sounding oddly strict for Wilbur, he normally doesn't talk like that to me. You nod and put your head to the side giving him a 'continue' look, and so he continues his questions. "So, yesterday, you said you were staring at the wall when it was clearly me, why look at me so..passionately?" He said, changing his tone of voice. You blush, remembering how stupid you looked when you had said that. "Well, uhm, yes I was looking at y- you." You say, sounding sorry, but truthful. "Okay, thanks for being honest with me, but one other thing." He paused which gave you some time to take in what he's about to ask you. " you like me, Y/N?" Wilbur asked sounding like he was sort of, happy? Oh shoot. What am I supposed to answer to that? I really do like him but it's for the best.


Wilbur was puzzled, knowing well that you should've said yes. "Ah, I see. Okay. That answers my questions. Thanks for your time, Y/N." Your in the middle of a nod before he leaves. Did he expect me to say yes? Oh god now I'm in big, big trouble. You look around the room, still in the call but your eyes pull a magnetic force to the spot Wilbur sat in yesterday. Huh, that's where Tommy used to sit when we were kids. You lived in the same house your whole life before your parents spilt then your mom moved away a few months ago to go stay with her new boyfriend so you had to take care of the house by yourself. You sigh and pull away from the spot, turn the chair around, leave the call and go to message Wilbur.

"Hey, beautiful." Wilbur x Reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon