Chapter Five

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     You open discord again and click on Wilbur's profile again and see if the message was still there, but, it wasn't. You raise a brow. How could it disappear? It was there only 30 minutes ago..You rub your eyes because you were tired of having to stare at your screen for so long. You shrug it off and go to message him. 'Hey Wilbur. So I have a question for you now, why do you care that I looked at you and why do you think I like you? And please, be honest.' You read over the message for spelling mistakes or if was just reasonable to send.

     You stare over it for a few minutes until you finally decide to send it. You switch profiles to Tommy's now so you don't have to watch him type because you think that's creepy. A few moments pass until you hear the iconic notification sound from Discord. You ready up to see his answer then you clicked his profile and start to direct your eyes to his message and you start to read it. 'Hey. Alright well I'll of course be honest to you. I wanted to know why because you've never looked at ANYONE like that. Never. So I thought you had maybe, you know, liked me.'

      You stare at the message for a while before you sigh and cover your eyes with your hands. Darn. He's right. You stay with your hands on your eyes for a while but Wilbur calls you and you slowly get yourself together and clear up your thoughts, then answer his call request. "Hello?" You can hear Wilbur's calming and soothing voice through the screen. "Yeah, hey." You say, not trying to sound to exited to hear him again. "I wanted to get started on your training. Since Tommy isn't here right now." He said, sounding actually excited to talk after what just happened.

     "Oh, okay." Your voice sounding teary but you try to hide it. "Okay so do you have Minecraft open?" He asked. "Uh huh.." Your eyes start to swivel up into tears. "Y/N..? You okay?" You pause and start to cry. "Wilbur I can't do this! I want to tell you this so bad but I can't! I- I just can't right now okay? I don't want to go in the MCC anymore I just want to see...y- you.." Wilbur paused trying to process what you just told him. "Oh, I understand. I could come over and we can talk about it, if you'd like, princess." You start crying even more and you stuff you head into your crossed arms. "Don't call me princess if you don't mean it, Wilbur! Just don't."

     You say, your voice muffled because your away from the microphone. "Y/N I'll be over there in 20 minutes, I promise." You look up into the camera, your mascara ruined. You see Wilbur, smiling at you? You don't want to be rude so you smile slightly back and leave the call before running to your bed and sitting there, waiting for him to come over. The only thing that makes you feel better is listening to Lovejoy so you do that. You sit in silence for around thirty minutes listening to Lovejoy and without even knowing, Wilbur is leaning on your door frame. "Hey beautiful."

"Hey, beautiful." Wilbur x Reader Where stories live. Discover now