The news...

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No one's POV:
After woody got done eating he started to get ready, then was about to leave when blocky stopped him "Woah- Woody where are you going?" Woody looked back at blocky "Uh. I have a date with [REDACTED] I'll be back soon-" Woody said as he left, leaving blocky standing there shocked, and a little heartbroken, but he didnt know why he felt heartbroken " woody is seeing someone--" He muttered to himself "Okay then. Well. That ruins all the plans I planned to do." He muttered going to his room to sulk and play a game

Hours later woody came back, too seeing blocky knocked the fuck out on the bed with a game going still, woody decided to turn off the game and covered blocky with his blanket, then went to his room and thought about stuff, like what he would do with [REDACTED] or what type of stuff [REDACTED] Likes, he checked the time and saw it was about 2:25, he decided to call with [REDACTED] to pass the time, next thing he knew it was 5 in the afternoon and blocky was waking up

He walked past woody's room
Not saying anything
He probably knew woody was on the phone with his S/O and didn't want to bother them.
Thats weird.
But what does woody know.
Maybe blocky was just really tired.
Woody got back to talking to [REDACTED]

To be continued once more.
What a turn of events.
Woody has a gf/bf what a surprise.

My Right Hand Prankster(Blocky x Woody/Woodblock)Where stories live. Discover now