Finally omfg this is what yall wanted.

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Blocky's POV:
Its been a few months since everything happened, me and woody are doing great, I think I'm almost ready to tell woody how I feel, weather he accepts or not. I just need to wait for the right time. Right now me and woody are watching a movie, cuddling, he looked up at me and I looked back at him "H-Hey blocky-" he said, shaking a bit "Hm? Yeah woody?" "Uhm- Can I tell u something-" he asked as he sat up, I also sat up replying with "Yeah- what is it?" I was feeling nervous, and I didn't understand why, was this the moment? No. It can't be. Or can it? "Uhm. I-i- uh- i-" he started to mumble abit "Uh- woody- I cant understand you-" he blushed more "Uhm- i- i- I kinda-" he started to mumble abit "kinda l-like you--" he mumbled, I blushed some "i-" I didnt know what to say "I-I mean I l-Like like y-You-" Woody stuttered out, I blinked and put a hand on his cheek "Woody..i-I like- like you too-" he smiled, and so did I, he kissed me, my eyes widened but I soon melted into it, kissing him back, I pulled him closer, deepening the kiss, I pulled back, flustered as hell, and so was he "S-Sorry- B-Blocky-" Woody stuttered out, I kissed him on the cheek "Dont apologize, I love you woody" Blocky hugged woody "I-I love you too B-Blocky-" Woody muttered


My Right Hand Prankster(Blocky x Woody/Woodblock)Where stories live. Discover now