A difference

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Eggy's POV:
Its been almost a year since me and TD decided to get a place together---for rent purposes I think- well anyways, throughout the time we've stayed here together she has taught me sign language. So uh- I guess I have a way of communication with her now, sometimes I wonder why I decided to move in with TD- I mean. We're friends. But something about her. I guess drew me in? I don't know.

I was watching TV with eggy, and noticed she was staring off at the wall, I tried to get her attention but she seemed really out of it, I snapped at her, she didn't respond, it was only untill I started shaking her did she snap out of it "H-Huh? O-Oh sorry teardrop. I-Is everything alright?" She asked looking at me 'Are you okay eggy?' I asked her in sign language "Yeah, im alright. Just got lost in thought for a moment." She replied, I had asked her if she wanted to talk about it(wooo sign language-), and she shook her head "n-no thanks TD, sorry." Eggy was sweating a tad, and it almost looked like she was sick, I was worried, but decided not to keep bugging her about it, and went back to watching TV and making small conversation with her.

It started getting late, I silently yawned while eggy was talking, didn't seem like she noticed thankfully, but I continued to listen to her untill it hit about 11:00 pm.

'Hey eggy-' I say in sign language
"Huh? What is it TD?" She asks
'Its getting really late, we should go to sleep soon-' I say "Oh-! It is? What time is it?" She asks me, and I check the time '11:20' I reply "Oh- yeah. We probably should start getting ready to go to sleep shouldn't we? Never know what could happen tomorrow-" eggy chuckled abit and got up, and went to get ready to sleep, I sat there and slightly got lost in thought, I soon snapped out of thought as the bathroom door opened "Hey, you can get ready now" eggy said as she walked off to her room, then I went into the bathroom and started to get ready to sleep

Eggy's POV:
I entered my room and closed the door, then layed down after turning on my fan and then I started to think untill I fell asleep next thing I know its like 8 in the morning and im waking up, I go out to the kitchen and notice I seem to be awake before TD. "Hmmm." I decided I would try and cook- i mean im not that bad of a cook am I? Hopefully TD likes it, so I cook breakfast and TD wakes up as im finishing cooking "Oh-! Morning TD!" I say as I hand her a plate of bacon,Toast,and a pancake, TD looked at the food confused 'did you make this?' She asked "yeah I did, I hope you like it-" I replied as I went to go eat

I was just standing there staring at the food, I went to sit down and started eating, I was pretty hungry seeing as I hadn't really eaten anything the previous night, I thought about the dream I had last night, it was of me and eggy, we were like-cuddling in the same bed, and- and- she told me she loved me- a-and I did too- maybe- Maybe we could have something like that- Just Maybe.
Here i go again, thinking about her- her voice- her- Her everything. Everything about her is amazing..I wonder if she would like me back...maybe I Should. Tell her..yeah! I will. I just need to find her.

Also wooo almost 650 words-
Thats a record!

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