angst chapter

471 4 12


Woody's POV:
I sit behind a destroyed wall, protecting myself, I don't remember how it all started but all I know is this is war.
2 and 4 have caused a complete and utter war. i have no clue where my husband is.
I hope he's okay...I get grabbed, a person from twos side..I struggle to get out of their grip, but they cut my face, fear is all I feel, suddenly im dropped, I look over, and see blocky he had a spear, and a gun, everything's happening so fast- he's fighting- im sitting bleeding from my face.
Im panicking I want to help but I cant.

No one's POV:
Suddenly there is a loud crack noise, woody looks at blocky, only to watch him fall apart. Cracked straight down the center.
Woody's eyes widened in fear, as the person leaves woody runs over to his now dead husband "B-blocky--" Woody mumbles, in distraught, hoping this was some kind of joke, "Blocky...this isn't funny.." woody mumbled, tears welding in his eyes, as he pulled both pieces of blocky close and began to sob, he was emotionally damaged. His husband was dead. And he was hurt.
"Please..." woody mumbles, sobbing, leafy finds him and runs over "Oh no! Woody what happened!!" Leady asks before seeing blocky, eyes widening and she covers her mouth "oh no...woody..i-" leafy tears up at the sight of her possible friend so sad "B-Blocky.." woody mumbles through his tears "h-he can be revived once this is all over woody.." leafy says, hugging Woody "blocky.." woody mumbled out again, tears were soaking his face and blockys dead body, leafy couldn't handle it, it hurt her heart to see woody this way.
"Come on...we need to find shelter.." leafy states, standing up, helping woody up, they then go to find shelter.

Woody had taken something from blocky before he had left.
A picture of him and blocky, with their child in arms, tears falling onto the picture as woody stares at it
Leafy frowns, wishing there was something she could do to help, but they finally made it to the safe zone "Four! I found woody!...blocky didn't make it.." she mumbled
"Crap! Another person down! We dont have enough people for this!" Four screeches
"Four im scared!" X half-yelled, clinging to the blue number "X- its okay we'll make it out of this." Four mumbled to reassure the tiny variable
"Alright. We need hella backup.." four mumbles

(For now this is what you get.
Pt 2 anyone-?)

My Right Hand Prankster(Blocky x Woody/Woodblock)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora