Meeting and Falling for Caspar Lee. (Caspar Lee Fan Fiction)

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It was a cold day. The leaves on the street were quivering on the pavement in the slight breeze and the bright morning sun seemed to barely reach you. You were happy enough though, you were visiting your boyfriend, Ben, and that was fine. It didn’t matter how much he might slap you or shout at you for putting a foot wrong, you were sure that he was a nice person deep down, and he showed it too. Well, he showed it when he wasn’t showing you off at least, but that only meant that he thought you were good enough to show off, right? Whatever, it didn’t matter, Ben was just around the corner, and that was fine.

You entered his flat building, it was only on the third floor so you didn’t need to take the lift, and stairs are more fun anyway. After reaching his floor you wandered down the corridor until you were faced with his door. 3F. The door swung open before you had a chance to knock. “Ah! There you are _____! I was just about to come looking for you, come on.” Ben grinned as he greeted you, but he spoke between sips of his beer. He knew you didn’t like him drinking in the morning. He took you under his arm and you walked in together. You were met with a few unfamiliar glares. This was normal, Ben always had guests round and it was bound to be you they were staring at. You were Ben’s girl.

As the day went on, more people gathered in the house. Nothing much happened, the occasional chit chat, a few drinks; none for you needless to say, but the rest of the time Ben didn’t let you breathe, let alone have a full conversation. His lips were glued to yours any time he wasn’t drinking, and he tasted of beer.

 It had gotten late, around 23:00 at night, and since you had been there from the morning, you wanted to go home. That was until Ben’s friend, Josh, suggested a friendly game of 7 minutes in heaven. You were dying to get away from Ben for at least a few minutes, and no doubt if you went home, he would follow in his drunken state. You agreed and were given the number 8. While you waited to be called, you were sat awkwardly on Ben’s knee, kissing him. It was at this stage, that you realized you didn’t want to be ‘Ben’s Girl’ anymore. He disgusted you.

When number 8 was called, you pulled away from his mouth at quickly as you could. Ben looked at you with questioning eyes. “Erm, th-that’s my number Ben” you explained, before jumping off his knee and virtually running to the cleaning cupboard in his kitchen, which had been emptied before the game started. Just before the door closed you heard Josh shout to you and whoever was in there with you. “Your time…starts….NOW!”

As the door slammed shut in your face, you crumpled to the ground in one big heap, and your head fell to your hands. As you wept, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around suddenly at the touch, and he backed off a little bit. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, I just wanted to make sure you were ok”. He spoke in a strange accent, and you couldn’t work out where he was from. The cupboard was dark, and you could only make out a few of his features. Light spiky hair, perfectly styled, and it sort of swept in an accidental kind of way. His eyes were glistening but you couldn’t quite tell their colour. His lips were small and light, but perfect from what you could tell.

 You felt yourself grow weak inside as you longed his hand to be placed on your shoulder again. As if he read your mind, he did just that, and you felt yourself smile. Wiping a tear from your eye, you spoke up. “I’m ______, and thank you, I appreciate it” you said as you looked towards his hand smiling. “It’s lovely to meet you, ______, my name is Caspar Lee” he replied, taking your hand and shaking it gently.

For the next 4 minutes you poured out your heart to him, explaining why you were so miserable and how much you now realized you hated Ben, and all that time, he just listened to you, hugging you and agreeing with you. It was great to finally get all this stuff off your chest. And then, you realized that you had heard the name Caspar Lee before. You stopped talking suddenly. Caspar squeezed your hand, as if telling you to continue.

“You’re Caspar Lee” you exclaimed. He chuckled at you before nodding. “The one and only.” He replied sarcastically. You shook your head sternly, regretting your time in the cupboard. “I should have never told you anything. GOD! What the hell was I thinking, telling a guy I just met? And a YOUTUBER too! Oh my god I don’t know how things could possibly get worse.” You were hissing at him as you stood up, and all the while he was trying to get you to calm down. “I don’t know where you think you’re going. We still have two minutes” He said as he checked his phone. The screen illuminated his whole face, making all his features stand out. And oh my, those dazzling blue eyes.

You casually leaned against the wall as if that was your intention all along. Caspar, of course, saw through this and you both started to laugh quietly. The light from his phone was lighting up your faces, and you looked into his eyes. Those perfect, ocean blue, eyes. His face was inches from yours and you stopped laughing as you became entranced. Caspar slowly took your chin in his hand and lifted your lips to his.

The cupboard door swung open, to reveal Josh. And Ben.

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