Going Back to Ben's.

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The next day, you got up early, without waking Caspar. It was about 6 am, and you had big plans for the day, by yourself. You wrote a note, explaining you were going to Ben’s house and that if you weren’t back by midday, there was probably a problem. You didn’t know what they would do with this information, but you hoped it would help. You got dressed and went outside into the cold air. Your breath danced in clouds in front of your face, and you zipped your coat higher, pulling your scarf around your nose and mouth.

You went back to the breakfast place you visited yesterday with Caspar, before his appointment. It still broke your heart imagining all the pain he would have to endure. But at least he wasn’t a dead man walking. Yesterday, Alice had taken the news as roughly as you did. She hugged Caspar for about ten minutes on the sofa, telling him that she wished he didn’t have to get this stupid disease in the first place, and all the while, Caspar just nodded along, staring ahead. You and Alfie spent time together, watching them from the kitchen, and Alfie comforted you despite being obviously devastated as well. But you rejoiced in the fact Caspar would live.

You called Em, who was the only one who seemed over the moon. “That’s fantastic news, Caspar, I’ve known you since we were children, so I know you can cope with pain. You’ll be fine. I have to go now, Dan’s on his way, but brilliant. I’ll see you soon. Bye!” she beamed down the line. At east she had taken the positives from the news.

Obviously, Caspar made phone calls the rest of the night, telling friends and family with varying responses. Zoe, Jack, and Finn all agreed to come around ‘tomorrow’, as it was then. At least you had that to look forward to today.

You sat in the café and ordered some toast. You planned to go to Ben’s house at 8, so you had over an hour to kill. You ate your breakfast slowly, despite not being that hungry. You finished your toast and sat back, where you dozed off accidently, listening to the weather forecast.

A waitress woke you up at twenty to 9. Okay, you had burned a little more time than you needed to, but oh well. You thanked her, and dashed out, getting on the next tube. You had 7 missed calls and four texts from Caspar:

‘_____, come back.’

‘if you’re going to do this, I’ll come too.’

‘Alice told me I’m not allowed to come. Is this you breaking up with me?’

‘Answer your phone.’

You rolled your eyes, typing a reply:

‘Caspar, don’t be ridiculous, of course I’m not breaking up with you. I’ll be back later, I just need to do this’

You got off the tube outside Ben’s apartment. It was strange; you hadn’t been here since the party, since you met Caspar.

It was a cold day. The leaves on the street were quivering on the pavement in the light breeze and the bright morning sun seemed to barely reach you. You were happy enough though. You were visiting your ex-boyfriend, Ben, and that was fine. Because now it mattered how much he used to slap you or shout at you for putting a foot wrong, you knew he was a horrible person deep down, and he showed it too.

You took the lift. Stepping out on floor 3, you suddenly got nervous, but tried to dismiss the feeling, until it returned again, as you stood outside his apartment door. 3F. The door swung open before you had a chance to knock. And stood there, was Ben, wrapped up in a coat and ready to leave.  You glared at him, and started to take his coat off. “Ah. There you are ______. I was just about to come for you.” he smirked, stepping aside to let you in.

Meeting and Falling for Caspar Lee. (Caspar Lee Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now