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The fateful day had arrived. You were going to your apartment to pack your things. Caspar walked in silence with you to the tube, you could tell he was angry you wouldn’t let him come with you, as far as you were concerned, this was one thing you couldn’t risk doing with Caspar. As you were about to go through the turnstile, Caspar grabbed your wrist. Today he was wearing his glasses which made him look intelligent and sweet, but the frames didn’t disguise the glint of worry and guilt in his eyes. He pulled you over to the side, out of earshot to every other busy Londoner going about their daily business.

He leaned towards your ear, his hand still wrapped around your wrist. “I’ve told you, you don’t have to go by yourself, I know you’re worried that if he is there he will see me, but I would rather him kicking down my door while I’m with you, than yours when you’re alone, you understand ______?” he whispered. You pulled back and smiled. After you gave him a quick peck on the cheek you headed back towards the turnstile, taking out your Oyster Card. “Bye Caspar, call my home phone in about 20 minutes so you know I’m there and I’m okay, okay?” you smiled, but even you couldn’t hide your nerves. Caspar nodded slightly, and sighed deeply before stomping away. As you neared the steep escalator to the tube, you glanced at Caspar one last time with a slight smile.

Once on the tube, you took your phone from your bag and on the screen, there were already 3 messages from Caspar. You chuckled under your breath before putting your phone back in your bag. You had to wait just two more stops and you were there. That tube ride seemed like the longest in your life. You picked up your bag and made your way off the tube, up the escalator an into the cold London air. In front of you was the apartment building you hadn’t been in for almost a week. You plucked up the courage and finally entered. You made your way to your front door, everything was fine so far. All you needed to do was pack, leave, and not bump into Ben. You unlocked the door and slowly entered, where you saw someone you hadn’t anticipated at all.

“JOSH?” you shouted. Josh ran over to you, his eyes red and blood shot. He cupped his hand over your mouth quickly. “SHHHH” he pleaded, concern in his eyes. You nodded slowly and he removed his hand. You had so many burning questions, and then the phone rang. You headed over to the phone and picked it up slowly. “Hey” you greeted Caspar coolly down the phone; you didn’t want to arise any suspicions. In place of Caspar's voice, came a grunt of a reply. “You’re back…” Ben’s heavy voice sounded down the line. You dropped the phone. Running over to the door, you locked up and looked at Josh, disgusted. “YOU VILE LITTLE PIECE OF SCUM” you shouted, walking towards him, throwing every insult you could think of. You collapsed in tears at his feet, and he knelt down beside you in silence. You looked at him through your blurred eyes. You didn’t know how he could have been helping Ben, but why else would he be here? It was obvious Ben had hung up by now, which meant he was on his way over.

You got up and ran you your room, pulled your suitcase from on top of your wardrobe and started hurling clothes inside. Josh soon followed, and emptied your wardrobe, stuffing everything you owned into the small suitcase. You wondered why he was helping, but you didn’t question it. You ran into the bathroom and started shoving everything you could see into a small toiletries bag. Josh ran into the spare room where he dug out a huge pink over shoulder bag. Anything that wouldn’t fit in the suitcase he packed away in there. After packing almost everything you had in your apartment, you opened the door and headed to the lift, struggling with these two huge bags. The weight slowly lifted and you turned around to see Josh, smiling slightly and holding your pink bag. You didn’t have time to say anything, you needed help to get to the tube.

You ran to the station, but anticipating this, Ben was already waiting.


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS AMAZING RESPONSE!!! I am so happy with this story so far, and I hope you are too! I have big plans for this as my first fan fiction, but I hope you will all be patient and enjoy every second of reading this! I never thought I'd get over 100 reads, let alone 300!!! Thank you so much, and please dont hesitate to comment or message me with ideas or interests, anything is welcome! 

Thanks again!

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