Exploring More of Cape Town.

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The whole interview was finally over, and the three of you exited the Espresso Show studio. You had calmed down a little since your brief rush of Ben related emotions. Whenever it was brought up, you got a tingling butterfly sensation in your stomach and you had no idea why. It was apparent that Caspar noticed a change in you too, asides from being upset at the horrific memories, but he was too much of a gentleman to mention anything.  Em was like a little girl, content in her own world. She hadn’t even noticed anything was wrong, which was good. You had known her for about two days now, and a few key points about her character were extremely obvious to you. She was intelligent, shy, pretty much oblivious to anything happening around her and extremely childish. Not in an immature way, needless to say, she was actually very mature, but it was like there was a little girl on the inside that wanted to do everything a little girl would do. She would stop to stroke dogs on the street, skip along the pavement, sing lots not caring who heard, and she always seemed to be happy. You tried to be a lot like Em.

You got on another coach, not a clue where you were going, but you decided to be happy whatever the circumstance. Before too long, you arrived at ZorbAfrica, you had no idea what this place was. “Caspar, where are we?” you asked him, slightly puzzled. Caspar smiled and dragged you and Em off the coach into place. When you got inside, the three of you were registered at the desk before immediately going outside again. Here, it was clear what you were going to be doing today. Your face reflected your emotions. Excitement, thrill, and utter terror. Caspar laughed and helped you into the big plastic inflated ball. You sat down and held on tightly to the straps on the inner walls of the ball. “3! 2! 1! GO” the instructor yelled as he pushed you down the hill.

The thrill was amazing, your stomach flipped and bounced as you rolled around down the hill. You felt like you were flying and spinning at the same time. It was amazing; you had never felt anything like it before. When you got back to the top, you had 4 more go’s before you felt as though you were going to throw up. You didn’t.

It was getting quite late, so just before you headed back to the hotel, Caspar had yet another surprise. You got off the coach where before you was the most amazing sight you had ever seen. Em rushed off into the middle of the not so busy Greenmarket Square perusing the market stalls for maybe a few new beads to make yet another Golden Snitch necklace. You smiled at the sight. It was beautiful. There were fairy lights strung up from tree to tree, a quaint little café in the corner, and lots of tiny market stalls with beautiful scarves and beads and anything you could think of. Caspar led you to the café where you ordered a salad as you weren’t that hungry and still feeling slightly sick from the whole Zorbing experience. The day was turning into something quite spectacular.

After shopping around for a bit, you finally made your way back to the hotel where you out down your new items. You bought a turquoise pleated scarf and some lovely brown Greek sandals. You and Em entered your room and Caspar, his. After the long day you had had, you needed sleep. You were still pretty jet lagged as it was, so it didn’t take long until you were in a deep slumber. The last thought on your brain was Ben. Again, you had no idea why.


I’d like the start by saying OMG!!!! OVER 3000 READS??!?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I love that so many of you are willing to carry on reading despite at the moment the story is going slowly. I promise you though, its going to start picking up, I have huge plans for this and always had. Just remember that wherever I take you in this story that may not seem that necessary or may not have been that well explained, they will be explained in the end. I would never just leave a detail out, in fact I have so many little sub plots in my head that will all contribute to the main idea I think there will be something for everyone. So please be patient and bear with me. THANKYOU FOR THE READS!

Also, I have never been to Cape Town, so please excuse me if my facts are in correct, I did some research, but I didn’t look too much into things, so I apologise if I’m not exactly correct in some places.

I try to update on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and sometimes Fridays and Sundays if I have the time, but this doesn’t mean that I update on these days every week. Most of the time I will just choose a day or two from this selection and update then, so please don’t badger me if I’ve already updated once that week.

Thank you once again for the phenomenal response, I always try to reply to all comments so please keep giving me you input, it is always lovely to know what you guys think! Keep reading!

Meeting and Falling for Caspar Lee. (Caspar Lee Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora