Chapter 7

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Are they crazy?! No way in hell was I ever joining their pack!

I would never join them. If I were to go with them, they could easily hurt me, especially on the pack land they literally just chased me off of. I don't get how they think. Besides, why would they even want me anyways? I'm a useless piece of shit. They would probably throw me out after realizing that anyway. I crawled closer towards the cave wall and shook my head. No way in hell was I going with them. I sat my butt down with a huff and continued staring at them.

"Please! We'll take good care of you and make sure you'll be happy. Please pup." Why do they look like a puppy that just got stepped on?

Aw they're kind of cute. No, what am I saying? I laid down just to show them how adamant I am about not going. Then, they did something that I was not expecting. They whined like I was physically hurting them.

Why would they whine about me not going with them? I don't understand them. I looked at them with a confused expression. Why are they acting like they care for me when in the end they'll end up throwing me out? I don't like it.


"We need a plan, Oliver. We have to take him back. It's too dangerous out here."

"I agree. How do we get him back with him being so adamant about not leaving the cave?"

"...Okay I know you're not going to like this.."

"What am I not going to like, Elijah?"

"We kidnap him. We'll do it quickly, and we have a pack warrior bring a car. It would be much more efficient than running in wolf form while carrying an unconscious wolf."

"Okay...but how do we knock him out in the first place?"

"We either drug him, or honestly we wait for him to fall asleep and have the warrior bring a sedative."

"I don't like it, but it might be the only way for us to bring him back to the pack. Summon a warrior." Oliver then ended our mind link. I wish we could speak to our mate like this. I want to get to know him so badly. But we will soon, we just have to wait.


I don't like the way they're looking at me. Why can't they just leave me alone?

"Pup, please come with us. We promise we will never hurt you. We physically can't. Please, mate. Come home with us," the blond stated. I looked at them skeptically. They can't promise that.

They're lying. Don't listen to them. They're going to hurt you. Don't trust them.

I believed the voice in my head. But then something strange happened. I felt my wolf, something that hasn't happened ever before. I know it sounds strange, but I've never had a great connection with my wolf. Even though I can still shift, I've never been able to feel my wolf, a dn I've even heard that some people can talk with their wolves. But for me, I've never felt my wolf or their feelings. Except for now. My wolf wanted me to go with them. Why? I have no idea. They are dangerous and want to kill me.

My wolf was persistent. They really wanted me to follow the two Alphas. I wasn't really sure. At any time they could betray me and even kill me. But, even I have a gut feeling saying I should follow them. Maybe I should. 

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