The Bookstore. (Second part of The Coffee Shop)

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This is the second part of the The Coffee Shop! *jazz hands*  (pff, I can just see myself doing jazz hands)

So....hope you like it.

Sophie's POV

Sophie stepped out into the rain, feeling like she could finally breathe. Working at a coffee shop is surprisingly tiresome. But meeting a hot guy, and Being escorted home by him was a huge plus.

Even though she only just met the guy who insisted he'd be called Lord Hunkyhair, she felt a strong pull towards him she never felt before. And Sophie was both scared and curious about it. Sure, he was handsome. Probably to all the girls who met him, but too Sophie, right when Keefe walked through the door, she felt like a part of her she didn't know exist lit up with a spark.

Keefe stepped out beside her and took the rainbow umbrella from her and opened it up, "so, ready to go Foster. Or are you gonna keep staring at me with those beautiful brown eyes."

Sophie blushed and quickly averted her eyes, but then noticed how he said 'beautiful
brown eyes,'and looked back up at him to see a blush creep up his neck.

"Are you blushing?" She asked, snickering, "I didn't know the famous Lord Hunkyhair blushed! That's a new one."

Keefe rolled his eyes, "you don't even know me that well. We only just met."
( oh man, now I'm thinking of that scene in Frozen where Elsa said "you can't marry a guy you just met." Now I'm cracking up as I'm writing this.)

"Well, you seem like the type of guy who doesn't blush that often. And the girls drool all over you. Don't they?" She was the one who rolled her eyes this time.

Since they were walking now, she needed to catch up to his long strides, making her short of breath.

"Well, yes," Keefe said with a stupid smirk on his face, "and you look like the type of girl who'll be in the background as they drool over me."

Sophie playfully shoved his shoulder, and Keefe shoved her back, but being her clumsy self, she quickly grabbed Keefe's arm so she wouldn't slip on the wet street, and then quickly let go. Keefe looked over at her, a smirk taking over his mouth. "If you just wanted to feel my arm, You could've just asked."

Sophie glared at him, "that wasn't what that was." She turned her head, blushing a deep red, but a few moments later, she felt a warm energy encase hers and looked down to see Keefe's hand in hers. She sucked in a breath, looking up to see him looking straight ahead. Not noticing how he pulled Sophie a little bit closer to him.

A few minutes later, with them walking and talking, Sophie stopped at a little nook at the corner of the street. A bookstore. "Can I go in here real quick. My cousin works here, and I want to say hi to him."

Keefe smiled, "you just want to look at the books, don't you?"

Sophie smiled back at him, "you know it." She looked into his eyes, looking for an answer he didn't yet say. She quickly looked away when he stared back, quit it Sophie, he probably has a girlfriend. Don't go crushing on a guy you just met.

She was pulled out of her thoughts as Keefe pulled her into the bookstore. "Come on, I want to check out something real quick anyway." She heard him say.

As they walked into the store as cozy as the Coffee Shop and she saw a familiar face behind the the counter, "Dex!" She said. "I haven't seen you in a while. How are you doing?"

"Sophie!" His head popped up at whatever gadget he was making, "I'm doing good. I just applied my scholarship to the collage I wanted to go too."

Sophie smiled, "I just know you'll get in." She said, looking over at Keefe, who was putting the rainbow umbrella in the umbrella basket at the door. "Keefe, I'd like you to meet Dex, my cousin and also best friend. Dex, meet Keefe."

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